A Welcomed Morning

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Your eyes slowly began to flutter open as you yawned again and slowly began to sit up on the couch. You rubbed your eyes and moved your hands to the back of your neck. You glanced around the room you were in and found Joke sitting at the table, her holding a coffee cup and slightly shaken to her core. You cocked an eyebrow as you slowly sat up from the couch and looked around again. You look back over to Joke and slowly get up and walk over to her.

(Y/N): Everything ok?

Ms. Joke: Just...uh...just drinking my coffee! No problems here at all!

(Y/N): Joke?

Ms. Joke: I said I'm alright, (Y/N). No reason to worry at all!

(Y/N): Uh...ok then. Well, how did you sleep?

Ms. Joke: Fine! No major issues or concerns!

(Y/N): Emi? You sure you're ok?

Ms. Joke: I said I'm fine!

(Y/N): Ok, ok! Geez!

You sat down at the table and pulled up your laptop and keep typing away. However, after a few seconds of doing so, you looked up slowly to see Joke with a slight blush on her face. You cleared your throat and got her attention quickly.

(Y/N): So...why was I on the couch?

Ms. Joke: You...passed out. Fell asleep on the couch as we were talking. I didn't want to disturb you. So...I let you sleep on the couch.

(Y/N): Oh. Ok then. Well, thank you regardless of the night affairs.

Ms. Joke: UH! RIGHT!

You were confused once Joke went back to looking at her coffee. You rolled your eyes and went back to working on the article. While the wake-up call was already as awkward as it could be, you just had to keep going and get all the intel down. By the time you were almost done, you had at least 9 to 11 pages done. You sighed as you now looked over to the couch where Joke was watching TV since she decided to move on over.

(Y/N): Well, we are almost done.

Ms. Joke: That's good.

(Y/N): Yep. Just a few more pieces of things and we should be alright. I think we should make most of these files digital as well just in case anything bad was to happen to them and-

There was a knock on the door. You and Joke turned to one another. She gestured for you to get behind the bar as she was in civilian clothing. She walked next to a plant when the door knocked again and she grabbed a hidden black hair wig and walked to the door. She took a deep breath and opened the door to reveal Kobayashi and two other men behind him.

Ms. Joke: Can I help you?

Kobayashi: Yes. We believe someone in this building has something that belongs to me. I would like it back.

Ms. Joke: Can't say I know many people here. Sorry to say. I hope you find what you are looking for.

Kobayashi glanced slightly inside and nodded at her.

Kobayashi: Well, ma'am. If you find anything about a black briefcase with a K on one side, please contact us. I would greatly appreciate it. (Hands her a card)

Ms. Joke: I will. Good day, gentlemen.

Kobayashi nodded and walked off with his men. Joke closed the door and looked over at you. She held up her hand to tell you to stay quiet. She silently made her way to you and kneeled down beside you.

(Y/N): (Whispering) What do we do?!

Ms. Joke: (Whispering) I don't know! I don't even know how they found us unless they could-

Ms. Joke X Male Reader: Writing a Comedy of ErrorsWhere stories live. Discover now