Chapter 38: sick?

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August 7, 2018:
"What is it doctor?" I asked

"Um, Alicia I'm sorry to inform you this but your sick"

"Sick? What is it? Is it really bad?"

"Alicia I'm afraid it might be cancer"

I rushed home I was still shocked with what I just found out

"Hey what did the doctor tell you" Carlos asked

"That it... might be cancer" I teared up

"What no, it can't be" he hugged me

"We have to call mom" he said

"Yeah, Tonight" I walked to my room

Cancer? How? What type of cancer? I'm so confused
Later tonight:
"Oh honey, he said It might be?"

"Yes, I have to go back in three days for more blood test"
I started to tear up

"Mom I need you here with me" I cried

"Of course I already booked a flight, I'm not letting you deal with this on your own"

"Alicia we've got the rest of the blood test done, now we wait, my prayers go to you"

"Thanks Dr. Young"
I kept waiting and waiting thinking of all the possibilities of results I can get back. Will I die? How much time do I have left?"
" what is it doctor, what does my daughter have?" My mom said worried

" I'm afraid you have leukemia"


"Yes, you have more white blood cells than red blood cells"

"How long doubt have left?"

"As long as you take treatment you will be good!"

"Here you go, this is a list of all the symptoms you will experience"

He explained more and it scared me even more, I was only 15 years old.

This is more background on Alicia's life
I'll try updating more often!

Enemy or lover ?Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz