Chapter 36: im safe now/ graduation!

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I run to him

I- I felt so horrible for being mad at him
I probably wouldn't have ever got to see him again

"Are you okay!?" He kissed my forehead

"A- Alex Im sorry"

"Don't be, i love you Alicia and whatever you do my love for you will never change"

I cried, I cried everything out on his shoulder

"Alex I was scared"

"I know, Brandon will pay"

"I- I didn't know what to do, that was my fear everything just stopped and I didn't know what to do, I was Alone I had no one"

"It's okay your safe now" he hugged me tight
We went on our way home and I kept thinking of who untied me and let me free?
"Are you okay?" Alex asked me

"Yes, I'm safe now" I smile

"Once we get home you need to tell us detail per detail of every thing that happened and then we will call the police"

"What happened" everyone asked

I told them everything even the part when Brandon was touching me

He was reported to the authorities and he was taken back to jail and this time far away from me
Does this still haunt me? Yes, but I have to live on, right?
Months have passed and we all are finally graduating high school !

"Can you believe it we are graduating HIGH SCHOOL!"

"Hey bebe" Liam hugs me from behind
"Hi baby" I kiss him on the cheek

"Ewww get a room"

"Carlos shut up!" I said

Oh yeah I forgot to mention I'm dating Liam :)

Me and Alex got closer we are like best friends i guess I'll say

once I hear my name everything change, I realized that I'm beginning a new chapter in my life! I receive my diploma and walk down
"WE GRADUATED BEACHES!" Destiny screamed

"Yes ma'am!!!" "Now we are off to college" i said

I stare at all my friends and notice how my boring my life would be without them, I'm going to be leaving them soon

"I love you guys so much" I hug them all and we all tear up

"No matter what happens promise me that we will all comeback together!"

"Yes ma'am" everyone agreed

"Congrats bebe" Liam kissed me

"YES WE MADE IT" alex hugged me

"Remember all we went throughout high school"

"Yes" I laugh
We all hangout and go to the movies/mall and we went to eat

The day went by and tomorrow is a big day for me! Me and my  friends tell each other  which college We are going to !!


Sorry this was rushed.
I hope everyone is staying safe around these Times!
I'll update soon, if you guys want to leave any ideas or opinions about this chapter go ahead!

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