Eli Clark x Aesop Carl.

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art credit: windrainsky

Eli Clark awoke in his room, the bright lights from outside the manor peeking into his room. He yawned and shot out of bed immediately, taking a quick shower, putting on his usual attire, things you do in the morning. His owl hooted and perched atop his shoulder.
"Good morning to you too, Brooke." He gave the owl a few head scritches and headed out to the dining hall with Brooke's help. Mostly everyone was already in the dining hall, as Naib called out to Eli. "Yo, Eli! Where were you man?"

The seer chuckled, sitting next to his friend. "Did I make you wait? I'm sorry." "Nah, it's cool." Naib exclaimed, giving his friend a pat on the shoulder. The seer heard shuffling beside him as Brooke flew off from his shoulder and onto the person who just arrived. Eli looked over. It was the quiet, anxiety-filled Embalmer. Also known as his lover. If Eli didn't already have a bright smile on his face, then he was sure his smile would burn people's faces off. "G-greetings, Mr. Clark.." Aesop muttered, a tint of pink rising to his cheeks. Brooke hooted and nuzzled Aesop's cheek, to which Aesop promptly reacted with a pat. Eli cooed quietly, before greeting the ash-haired male back. "Hello, Aesop!"
Naib looked completely dumb-founded. Of course he did, no one knew the two were dating, but he was more concerned about the fact Brooke liked Aesop more than him. He's known Brooke longer, and so— He started whining. "Heyy! Elii, why does Rosie like Aesop but not me.. I've known her longer!" He was obviously joking, but he noticed Eli's flustered expression. "..Dude, you okay?" Eli nodded, looking over to his boyfriend. Aesop was distracted by the doctor bombarding him with questions, Eli knowing that she was fussy over the Embalmer's health. Who could blame her? He's 6"2 yet his body was shaped like a twig.

A deep voice came from across where Eli was sitting. "Yeah, now that I think about it.. Brooke really seems like she's attached to Aesop."

Naib gasped angrily, pointing at Norton. "I pointed it out first!"
The prospector sharply inhaled, before talking back to the mercenary, "Well, I pointed it out second? Do you HAVE to make everything we do a competition?!"
"You do that too, one time you made a competition while we were p-"

Eli scrunched up his face, hearing those two fight was like listening to nails on a chalkboard. Even Fiona of all people seemed annoyed, as she neatly ate her breakfast.

With Aesop, he seemed rather scared and nervous. He felt sweat dripping down his forehead, his hands being slicked with sweat, the gloves only making the effect worse.
But then he suddenly felt a hand over his own, as he looked over to the culprit. Eli gave him a small re-assuring smile, as he gripped on the other's hand tighter. Aesop gave a nod, his sweating slowly stopping. The two were still arguing, Patricia and Mike trying to stop the two.

Aesop gave Eli an impatient look that said, 'Can we go now?'
To which Eli nodded in agreement to. Brooke flew back to Eli's shoulder. Aesop sighed in relief, letting go of the seer's hand and announcing he'd be leaving to his room; which was obviously a lie. To him and Eli anyways. He waited in the hall for a few minutes, before a sweet voice called out to him, "Hey, angel." He felt a much more muscular build wrap around his tall yet skinny frame, a kiss being planted on his head.

Aesop smiled, turning around to Eli. "Hello to you too, Eli." He kissed the other male gently, feeling arms snaking around his waist. "S-so, how've you been?" "I've been fine, what about you angel?"
The embalmer paused, before answering, "Okay.. A bit worn out from all the matches I've had to play." He explained. "I see.. You've been in a lot of matches lately. Do you need me to ask someone to fill in for you?"
Aesop turned tomato red, "N-no! People will get suspicious of our relationship!"
"So what? Angel, it's been well over a year. Don't you think it's time to tell them?"
Silence. "..Soon." Eli nodded, knowing how anxious Aesop would be. He hasn't even told Emily, his second most trusted person in this god forsaken manor.

"F-for now, our relationships remains hidd-"
"Hi Aes! Hi Clarkie!"
Emma waved from the dining hall's door, her smile wide as usual.

Aesop's face fell into fear and nervousness, as he felt his body start to shake. The seer noticed this and held the grey-haired male tightly, not caring about the fact the gardener was nearby.
Emma blinked a few times, before placing a finger on her lips. "Don't worry guys! I won't tell a soul."

Aesop's shaking seemed to stop for a bit, as he slowly spoke up. "Promise..?"
"Promise!" Emma gave an even wider smile if it was possible, and ran off to the garden where she usually resides.
Eli was shocked that Aesop trusted Emma to keep their relationship, but he assumed it was in a state of panic.

"She's g-gonna babble about it to Ms. Dyer soon enough.." Aesop muttered. "But t-that's what we get for flirting in the halls.." Eli chuckled, kissing the other again but for longer.
Aesop kissed back lovingly, a small smile forming on his face.

"I love you."
"I love you too, angel."
im 🥺
i love elisop so much so i'm glad i wrote this oneshot..
~ noah

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2020 ⏰

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