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How?? OUo I dedicate this update to you. Seriously.

If you're wondering where I've disappeared to and the future of this book, I'll post a note tomorrow.  [X

Mitsuba loved cameras; seeing the world through a lens, and just when someone - or something - he doesn't want to lose has to go, all he needs to do is take a photo. Capture it, freeze it in time, and that moment would be his forever. So when it came to the topic of pictures, he always dived in with a big smile.

But this time was different. These were no nature pictures or happy moment pictures.

These were lovey  pictures.

Here's how it happened: his face was scrunched up in disgust as he clicked away through the gallery. There were images of a pink something blocking what seemed like a tangle of branches and leaves. Whatever this pink thing was, it was trying to take the camera for itself long ago.

"So these are accidental pictures. But isn't this Y/N's camera? She isn't the type to frolick around nature like a Disney princess."  Mitsuba frowned.

He also swore he could pick up a flash of white fur, almost like a fox's, trying to pull away the pink creature, only to be pushed away and fall into the thickets below, opening its mouth in an angry scream.

After a hundred more pictures of arguing, battling, and leaves, he finally came with the conclusion that the photographer and company must have been on a tree. But why  would they be on a tree?

He wished the answer wasn't so stupid.

A dozen other pink creatures - which Mitsuba now realized resembled bunnies - held lanterns in the dim evening glow, framing the silhouette of two people. One a girl, one a boy. He pursed his lips as he hurriedly dashed through the cheek caressing, hand holding, wondering why on earth the photographer cared so much about this sappy couple.

But then he saw Y/N's E/C eyes.

His own eyes were as wide as hers. Mitsuba followed her gaze to what she was looking at. A boy - whom he now recognized as Hanako - leaned in, seemingly about to....

"Glad to see you're back."

Mitsuba yelped, throwing the camera in the air before remembering it had glass lens. He held it tight, buried it under his scarf, and looked up.

Tsukasa stepped unto the square lawn, dark eyes slicing through him like the newly-earned scar he had on his chest (He would hug Y/N later for such a great hit.)

While Kou and Yashiro pushed him to another door back to Sukora, insisting that Hanako needed them on another important errand, he was busy fussing over the camera in the lawns of of the school, enjoying the chilly autumn breeze 5pm brought. He expected the day would pass normally. Not that Tsukasa would come appearing out of the blue.

"Where is Y/N?" Tsukasa asked coolly, as if he had never been slashed at all. Mitsuba slowly got up to walk away, knowing his master was merely hiding his temper.

"She's off to see one of the Wonders. Sewing Girl, maybe?"

"I talked to all Wonders. None of them have seen her."

"Then maybe she's taking a break to clear her mind-"

"She's not running off to Hanako, is she?"

Mitsuba held his breath.

"I have to go."

Suddenly, he felt something cold sink into the back of his neck.

"Maybe if she isn't here," Tsukasa leered, "You can do the explaining."

[Who Dies] T-B Hanako-kun x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now