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"You look like something's on your mind."

Y/N looked down at Tsukasa questioningly. He had been visiting her less often.

"Where have you been, Tsukasa?"

"Where have you  been?"

Y/N chose to remain guarded, even if Tsukasa was a person she had learned to trust.

"Down at the Sewing Room."

Tsukasa's smile slowly melted into a pout.

"Your face is as red as your coat! What have you been up to?"

Y/N flinched away awkwardly as Tsukasa hopped down beside her. She had stayed at the rooftop of Sukora, watching the sun go down.

"I've just been feeling a little caught up." She shrugged. It wasn't truth, nor a lie.

If she was honest with herself, she was stuck in between learning to trust Hanako, or to not. But she guessed it was the first option, since she hadn't given him away to his brother.

"Leadership, maybe?" Tsukasa laughed gooodnaturedly. "But soon enough the other Wonders will respect you!"

When Y/N stared at him as if he were crazy, he went on cheerily.

"Just give em' time! You'll see! Soon, they'll be chanting your name: 'Y/N Tsukira!'"

Y/N's eyes narrowed.


What did Hanako mean by L/N? What was Tsukasa hiding from her?


The boy looked down at her midcheer.


'I'll try reverse pyschology! That always works!'

"What's your last name?"

At this, Tsukasa stiffened.

Y/N watched him patiently. The spirit looked at her with suspicion, before slacking off to a lazy pose.

"Getting personal with me, eh? What are you up to?"

She rose a brow, furtively inching away as Tsukasa smirked at her.

"What's your last name?" She repeated with a voice of steel.

"Wouldn't you like to know?"

Y/N let out a tiny squeak as Tsukasa floated, rolling over to where she sat. Soon, his face was barely inches from hers.

"Here's a deal; let's change your last name to mine."

Y/N tensed up as he pinned her down, looking at her with malicious intent in his half-lidded eyes.

"Then  you'll find out."

Y/N didn't know how to respond, other than follow the instant adrenaline that kicked in her.

Tsukasa stopped as she swung the knife close to his face. She let out uneasy, hitched breaths as he held the handle, looking at her with a frown.

For the first time, Y/N thought he looked scary. And for the first time, she never thought she'd prefer Hanako's gimmicks over Tsukasa's.

He slowly pulled away, steering clear of Y/N's shaky grip on the knife. She forced herself to steady her breathing again.

"Did you just pull a knife on me, Y/N?" Tsukasa's voice was as emotionles as his expression. Despite her looming fears, Y/N would not back down on her dignity.

"Any girl would, you idiot!  Don't get close to me! Ever!"


Y/N stopped as she saw the look of slight hurt on his face, but it quickly changed to a laugh.

"Determined as always, Aka Manto! I like that!"

Y/N got up on the rooftop as she sheathed her knife, unsure how to feel about his words.

Tsukasa saluted her with a bright grin, as if the event a while ago totally did not happen. Then, he disappeared into a plume of gray cloud.

'Leaving.'  Y/N thought bitterly.

'You give me orders, then make me feel troubled. Then you just leave me.'

She walked across the rooftop, knife close to her face. Somehow, without him, she could breathe a little easier.

The sun had gone down now, and the sky was darkening. She looked at the reflection of her knife.

Deadly but beautiful. That's how she felt Hanako's offer was.

It was too good to be true, but could she really risk it? Would going back on Mitsuba and Tsukasa be the right choice?

'But Hanako offered to help me. Tsukasa never did that.'

She took a deep breath in. Somehow, she felt that after she made her choice, nothing would ever be the same. Mitsuba would probably scold her later.

But for now, she didn't care. She leapt down the rooftop, disappearing into the night.

● ● ●

Y/N was just snoozing away in the bathroom, when a familiar loud crashing sound came.

'Holy crap!'  She began to have second thoughts. 'He can't even enter my Boundary properly! Can I trust him?'

She watched with a bemused grin as Hanako stumbled out, looking dishevelled.
This time, she wasn't annoyed. She just felt a little pity.

"Hey, 7th Kamome Wonder!" Y/N waved at an incredulous Hanako as she floated up.

"Came to see me?"

"Third time's always the charm!" Hanako stuck his tongue out.

She let out a laugh, before stepping down to meet him. He looked at her mischievously.

"You waited for me, huh? 'Been anticipating my arrival?"

Y/N scrunched her face up in clear disapproval.

"I'm anticipating the lessons, Hanako."

His smug look turned into one of surprise.

"Did I hear that right?"

"Don't play around." Y/N got up, unsheathing her knife. She looked at him determinedly.

"I accept your offer! Teach me how to swing a knife!"

[Who Dies] T-B Hanako-kun x ReaderDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora