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(Drawn by: Sizzle, THANK YOUUU!!!!!)

Things to remember!

H/L - Hair length

C/N - Cousin's name


After the battle was won, the Rift now had no guardian. The Sakura Wonders left in forlorn silence, carrying Osane's body. The Kamome Wonders supported each other, the least injured carrying the most weakened, heading back for the Broadcasting Room where the makeshift infirmary lay. Hanako gently helped Y/N up. He didn't say anything - he didn't know what to say. But by the way Y/N rested her head on his shoulder in a quiet sob, he supposed his silence was the best he could give.

Both sides were too shocked to let out a victory cheer, but deep inside, triumph lifted their spirits, if only a bit. The rivalry between the schools was gone. Tsukasa's memory was erased, and he was far from harming them again.

Something still dug in Y/N's heart. When she died, she had left something very important. 

"Hanako... tomorrow. I have to go somewhere." Y/N said to him when they had entered the Broadcasting Room. Hanako looked up from tending a Mokke. He was injured himself, but still tending to every Wonder.

"Where to?" He tilted his head.

"It's something personal. Please don't worry about me and care for the rest."

Hanako's eyes narrowed. He looked like he wanted to say something, but Tsuchigomori walked over to him, a fainted Yako in his arms now reverted to her fox form. 

"7th Wonder? Do you have an extra bed?" The teacher asked.

Hanako turned to reply, and Y/N slipped away quietly from the room.


The next day, early dawn...

Y/N passed through the Rift, and through the familiar halls of Sakura High. Her ghostly hand traced the cream-colored wall. Once, when her memory was lost, she had seen it as her domain - one she had to protect, with all of its Wonders.

Now there was no 7th Wonder for it. She had been stripped off of her title, Osane was gone - but she still loved the school with all her heart. Could she still be its guardian?

She headed for the main entrance of the school. It had a big garden that welcomed visitors and a large court in the middle, which was also the 4th Wonder's domain. However, she didn't see the Geisha anywhere. Beneath the large sakura tree that towered over the whole garden, Y/N could see a shrine had been made.

She walked closer. There were candles lit and gifts of food lain graciously before a framed picture of her; Her H/C hair was its long, H/L (Hair length) shape then, and her E/C eyes gleamed with joy. To the left of her picture lay another frame, with an image that nearly broke her down. It was Osane, red eyes alight with life, her long brown hair falling neatly.

[Who Dies] T-B Hanako-kun x ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora