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It was just a day before his birthday. Mark sat on the terrace of the SM building —his usual place to hangout when he needs a break from work. Composing music can get really stressful at times. He sat on the railing, gripping on the bars tightly. His legs swung softly as he enjoyed the breeze that blew on his face. 

"Mark! I knew I would find you here!" The said man turned his head to see his boyfriend. He giggled softly as Jungwoo cake and stood next to him, leaning on the railing.

"Did you need something babe?" Mark asked. Jungwoo smiled softly and shook his head.

"Just wanted to see you. For some reason I missed you way to much" Mark laughed at that. He ruffled the older's hair which earned him a small giggle.

"You're so sweet." They stayed there in silence for a while. It was comfortable, the breeze being the only other company there. Mark saw from the corner of the eyes that Jungwoo was attempting to sit in the same position as him. He watched the male struggle to sit properly. There was fear evident in his eyes but when he did get comfortable he looked amazed.

"Wow it's so different here! It feels refreshing!!" Jungwoo smiled, his eyes light up like fireworks. He slowly moved towards Mark, being as careful as possible.

"Now be careful there babe you might slip. I don't want you dea-" Mark couldn't finish his sentence. He saw Jungwoo slip, he saw the fear and terror in his eyes. He reached his hand out. At that second so many gruesome scenarios ran through his head. What if he never catches him? What if he loses him?

What if he's alone all again?

He reached his hand out and prayed to just catch him. He didn't wanna lose him. He reached far and grabbed him. He used all his strength to pull the older up and pushed him onto the terrace. He turned to see if Jungwoo was really there, if he didn't dream it all up. He turned to see the love of his life from the railing he was seated on. He turned and saw the older on the ground, getting his breath.

But he turned too fast. 


Mark saw his love but something fell wrong. He felt himself slip. He felt himself lose contact with the railing and the wall. He felt the breeze hit him before he felt the panic. He saw Jungwoo run up to him and stretch his hand to grab him. Mark stretched his too, but he he couldn't reach it.

He panicked. He felt gravity do it's job, pulling him towards the concrete floor. His vision was blurred as tears flowed down his cheeks. He felt time slow as all his memories came rushing in. His childhood in the orphanage, his brothers taking him in, him meeting Donghyuck, the years he sulked and yearned for his presence, Him meeting Lucas and breaking it off because of a stupid girl. Jungwoo who came into his life and brought him joy. Wait didn't jungwoo have plans? Didn't it get all ruined now cause he's gonna die?

Was he a disappointment again?

He felt himself hit the ground and through that panicked state, that last second before he closed his eyes forever, he managed one thing.

"I'm sorry. I love you"

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