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The Bella's week together was sadly coming to and end. Chloe had already organised to drive back with Beca and drop her off as they weren't far away from one another. Most of the others were going to get an uber to the airport together.

Beca heaved her rucksack and suitcase into the back of Chloe's car. Chloe's stuff was beside it and Beca could see a book with pink lettering on the front spelling out one word; diary. Beca glanced around and flipped it open to a random page. She didn't consider this as something wrong to do, seeing as they were best friends and Chloe told her everything anyway. Beca was just planning on teasing her about it later.

Dear Diary,                                                                                                                                                                                 How can I possibly tell Beca I like her? It feels wrong not to but the scenario doesn't play out very well in my head. "Hi Beca, how are you? And just by the way I'm bisexual and love you with all my heart, no pressure or anything!" It wouldn't play out very well.

Beca snapped the book shut and stuffed it back in Chloe's bag. Fuck. What. The. Fuck. Chloe was bi? Chloe liked her? What. The. Fuck.

Chloe chose that moment to make her reappearance. 

"Hey Becs? Ready to go?"

Seeing Beca's face, Chloe stopped.

"Hey, are you alright? Is something wrong?"

Beca shook her head and gave Chloe a small smile.

"Nah, all good, let's get going."

The duo were the last ones still at the camp and Beca was keen to get home and clear her head. It wasn't far and she looked forward to falling into her soft bed, the camping had made her back really sore.

Chloe got into the driver's seat and Beca on the passenger's side. Chloe started the car and drove off. The car ride was very quiet. Beca was lost in her thoughts and Chloe was focusing on the road, driving scared her a bit.

They reached Beca's apartment and Chloe helped Beca take her stuff up the lift. They reached the door and Beca got her keys out, searching for the right one. After half a minute of fumbling through her keys she let out a long sigh.


"Please don't tell me you've lost key."

"Okay then, I haven't lost my key." Beca said sarcastically.

"Where's your spare?"

"What spare?"

"What do you mean 'what spare'?"

"I mean who on earth has a spare key?"

Chloe let out and exasperated sigh. "Everyone Beca, literally everyone."

"Well what now?"

Chloe sighed, "You could stay at mine for the night and then tomorrow we can get a locksmith up here to make you a new key?"

"Why not get one now?"

"Becs, it's 5pm on a Sunday. What kind of locksmith is open now?"

"One that would make great business." Beca replied, her voice laced with sarcasm.

"Come on, I want to get home. You can stay the night with me."

"Okay, thanks Chlo."

Beca followed her back to the lift.


They reached Chloe's apartment and Beca changed into her pjs. 

"There's no spare bed but we can share mine."

"Sure, just don't try anything Beale."

Chloe flushed red and then grabbed her keys, muttering something about Taco Bell for dinner. The door closed and Beca was left alone in Chloe's apartment. She flopped down onto the bed and buried her face in one of Chloe's pillows.

Why did Chloe like her? How long had this been going on? Why did Beca read her stupid diary? Her diary! That's where she could find the answers! It wasn't invading someone's privacy if you had already accidentally done it once right? (Or not so accidentally)

Beca opened Chloe's bag and grabbed the book from it. She opened it to the start and started to read.

Dear Diary,

Wow! A new book! I can't believe I filled up the old one! That has to be some sort of life achievement. Anyway, today was pretty good, Aubrey didn't throw up on anyone so it was pretty good. We got lunch together and even when we saw one of the other Bellas in the cafe, Bree managed to keep it under control. That's pretty much it, not too exciting. I'll write tomorrow.

Chloe Beale xoxo

Dear Diary, 

The activities fair is tomorrow and we have to find ten new Bellas. It's going to be impossible! I'm trying to keep positive but we're a laughing stock! :( This is never going to work...

Chloe Beale xoxo

Dear Diary, 

I have a crush, my first proper crush. Just one downside, I'm crushing on a girl. A. Girl. This isn't good. Am I gay? Is that even the right word? Am I meant to say lesbian? 

She's so cute. She's a freshman and wears all this dark eye makeup and weird clothes. I really really like her.

What the hell do I do?

I don't want to be gay! (or whatever the right word is) I just want to be like everyone else. I want a boyfriend and a cool best friend and a group of friends that are nice and a dog and to go to parties and be cool and popular. Instead I'm crushing on the girl, am friends with the biggest looser on campus who throws up all over the place, have no other friends, never go out, aren't allowed a dog and am so uncool it's not even funny.

Urrgh :( I hate my life.

Chloe Beale xoxo

Beca heard the key turn in the lock and hurried to put the book back in Chloe's suitcase. She raced in the living room and smiled at Chloe.

"Mmmmmm. Chlo, your an angel, that smells so good."

Chloe laughed and handed Beca her dinner.

"Come on, lets watch a movie."

"Sure, whatever, as long as I get to eat!"

Chloe searched Netflix and put on 'Johnny English Strikes Again'.

"You'll like this Becs, it's funny."

The movie started and the two girls huddled on the couch, eating their takeaway. Beca found herself enjoying the movie and laughing at the funny bits. The movie was predictable but it was still funny.

Once the movie was finished both girls went to bed. Chloe's bed was a double bed so it fit both of them but Beca was quite tense knowing that Chloe was sleeping right beside her, especially after what she'd discovered today.

"G'night Becs."

"Night Chlo."

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