Chapter 8: What's Done In The Dark...Part One

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Two Weeks Later

I sat on the couch of our family home waiting on Terrence to come, today is Sunday and my parents called a family meeting.
I know I'm glad that Taraji isn't coming or Leilani for that matter. But anyways I'm here and Mira is also, I have to say I'm kinda nervous about this meeting, like what could this meeting be about. Apparently Mira is to as she sits next to me shaking her legs and biting her nails "What's taking them so long?" She asked and I shrugged my shoulders as mom and dad have been in the kitchen for a long time. Then finally they came in and sat across from us "I can't take the secrets in this family any longer today is the day we air it all out I and do mean everything secrets, feeling, and most importantly the truth about what ever y'all got going on, And your going to tell Terrence everything OK?" Mom said we nodded then about 15 minutes later Terrence came I took a deep breath trying to keep myself calm. Then he sat down "What is meeting about?" He asked "Tasha tell your brother what's going on." Mom said looking at me I sighed "Ok don't get to mad but Leilani is not my child she's your child, right before you and Mira broke up she was pregnant as was I from that guy Todd but it was a steel born since I still was drinking and doing drugs so when she went into labor we faked it and made it look like she was my child. Basically Mira was a surrogate then a couple weeks later I had to go to the doctor to get my baby removed, remember when I said I wasn't feeling well that's when I went to the doctor."I said then looked at everyone mom and dad knew lei wasn't mine but they didn't know who's it was or how it happened so they were shocked . I looked around the room at Terrence who was just shook he then looked at Mira "Why didn't you tell me?"He asked obviously livid "Um...because I didn't want her and I was going to use her to get money from you by asking Tasha to get it every month and she is yours I brought the DNA test so you could see." She explained then gave him the test which proved that she was his he put the paper down and looked back up at us "Why?" Was all he asked "Because we were going to save up the money and run off together we are in love." I said everyone gasped dad was mad mom was just shocked Terrence wasn't phased at all he got up "Dad do you have some pills for a headache?" He asked dad nodded and gave him the keys to his nightstand table since he had a gun in it that he didn't want leilani getting to it. While he was upstairs we all sat in silence.

Terrence POV

"I can't believe this shit Leilani is mine after all I am actually happy I kinda had a hunch. But I'm not happy about their little plan to take my money and I really don't care about them being together I honestly stopped caring about Mira like way before I met Taraji but I never did anything about it and now I'm glad I did." I thought while looking in my dads nightstand then I found some papers that caught my attention...DNA results: for Tasha and Terrence Howard. I ran downstairs Holding the papers up.



Oop What Was All That About? Hey Y'all I'm Back And I Will Be Uploading Part Two Later Own Today So Stay Tuned For That And The Way Life Goes As Well. So What Did Y'all Think? Comment And Vote Down Below Foreal I Love Reading Your Comments.

P.S I noticed that I have new readers now and I just want to say hi and thanks for reading my books. Oh and hang on for the ride.

Love, Dae Dae

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