Nothing To Be Embarrassed About - Kie Imagine

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Summary: omg could u do a platonic pogue fic where kie has her period and shes in a lot of pain and the pogues are asking whats wrong and at first shes embarrassed to say but then she tells them and they're all sweet Requested

Warnings: None

I'm sorry this is so short.... I just didn't know how to extend it without it getting repeative! Let me know if you want me to try again!


What girls don't tell you about being friends with all guys is that they don't know how to deal with any of your issues. They don't get the concept of period cramps or potential leaking. If you even mention periods to boys, they most likely get grossed out and change the subject. My friends were no exception. I popped two ibuprofen quickly and headed out to the docks to wait for my friends.

A couple minutes passed and I could feel my stomach aching. I had made plans though and I wasn't about to bail out on the boys. I hunched over in order to find a comfortable spot to sit in while I waited. As soon as I heard the boat, I sat up straight and put a smile on my face.

"Hey guys," I said, getting on. I tried my hardest to seem normal. I sat uncomfortably on the front of the boat next to JJ. He gave me a weird look as I continued to shift, trying to find a pain free position.

"You alright there, Kie?" he asked. I nodded and he dropped it there.

The pain continued all afternoon though. It was almost to the point that I couldn't breathe. We went back to the chateau and I immediately went inside. I curled up on the couch and laid there in a fetal position. I heard the guys rush in after me asking if it was food poisoning or the flu. I groaned and shook my head. I didn't want them to tell them it was my period. I didn't want them to know that it was my time of the month.

"Just leave me alone," I said. I turned my back on them and hugged my stomach.

"Oh, my God," I heard JJ say. "Are you pregnant?"

I shot up so quickly and threw my pillow at him. Maybe it was the hormones, but I could feel the rage running through my veins. I was just about to smack him when a cramp rippled through my body. I hugged my stomach and curled up once again. I felt a sneeze sneaking up on me and nothing I could do would stop it. I felt the blood rush out as I sneezed and gagged a bit at the feeling. "I'm not pregnant you idiot," I said. "I have my period."

I could feel my cheeks flush in embarrassment and I turned my back to them. I expected them to be grossed out. I expected them to tell me I was overreacting. Instead, I felt a blanket fall on top of me.

"Do you want chocolate or... pads?" John asked awkwardly. I watched as Pope went to the medicine cabinet and grabbed out some Tylenol. He walked back and handed me them.

"Do you need something to eat?" he asked as he got me a glass of water.

"Or do you want to cuddle?" JJ asked. My heart swelled at how sweetly the boys were acting. The hormones were definitely clouding my usual persona as tears welled up in my eyes. John ran to the store for me and Pope made me all of my favorite foods. JJ cuddled with me for a little bit, but in the end, all of them began to take shifts. I just laid around as they babyed me. None of them were grossed out at all and I had nothing to be embarrassed about. They were truly the best guy friends I could have.

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