Overprotective - Kie Imagine

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Summary: hi! i love ur writing :) could u do an imagine where the pogues are all out somewhere and a guy starts hitting on kie and at first its like its fine whatever but then he gets handsy and the pogues are all protective and like dont touch her?? Tyyy Requested

Warnings: None?


Having three guys for best friends had its perks and its downfalls. On one hand it was nice to have people always looking out for me no matter what, but other times the guys would take things too far. They were a very protective group of boys so if anyone would approach me it was like we were reverse mormons, all three of them would play the boyfriend role. Every time this happens, I would just mentally face palm and go on with my day, but lately it's gotten to the point where we have to talk about it.

I was walking down the street with the guys when a cute touron passed by, eyeing me as I passed. As soon as JJ noticed the boy's gaze, his arm was around me. I ducked under it and stared daggers into him. The touron quickly hurried away once he had seen JJ act and I let out a sigh. I stopped walking and stared at the three boys who had turned to look at me, acting clueless.

"This," I said motioning to the four of us in a circular motion. "Needs to stop. I'm never going to get a boyfriend if you guys keep behaving like this."

"Great," JJ said. I rolled my eyes, knowing exactly where this was going. "We don't want another guy around, Kie."

"You guys might not," I said. "But I do."

What the guys didn't see when they looked at me was a hopeless romantic. I wanted to fall in love and experience everything like the other girls my age, but with them playing boyfriend, it would never happen.

"You guys have to stop being so protective," I said. "I can take care of myself."

They shrugged it off, making me realize that that wouldn't be happening anytime soon. The boys just didn't get it. They relaxed about it for the rest of the day, but I could tell the impulses to jump in when I caught a guy's attention were hard to fight. I was proud of how hard they were trying, but I didn't think it would last very long.

A couple days passed and they continued to make an effort for me. I was truly shocked with how well behaved the boys were acting as well. The noticeable flirting had gone down a little as well which was almost nice. Everything was going well until we decided to have a kegger on the beach. The night was upon us and a fire was burning brightly in front of me. I was talking about how plastic was killing our oceans when a cute touron approached me, sitting next to me in front of the fire. He had cute blonde hair and his brown eyes were illuminated with the red of the flames. He stared at me and listened carefully to my rant, fully engrossed in the conversation. However, I was fully engrossed with him. He was gorgeous.

"So, is environmental sustainability your main passion?" he asked me. I smiled at his question.

"I would say it's one of them," I said. "But I wouldn't say it's my main interest."

"Well what would that be?" he asked me, leaning a little closer.

"Right now, I would say it's you," I flirted with him. He chuckled softly and told me that that was smooth. I smiled and tilted my head to the side, tucking a piece of my hair out of my face. He began to talk about how we should be giving no less than 100 percent back to the Earth and my heart was beating out of my chest.

As the night went on, the conversation became better than the alcohol. We could've talked all night, but then something took a turn for the worse. I felt his hand on my upper thigh. He was tracing little circles on my inner thigh, creeping further and further up. I grabbed his wrist and things began to escalate in a manner I didn't want them to go. He said things like that he's only here for a couple nights so we should have some fun. He told me that I had been leading him on all night and it would be rude of me not to put out after that. His eyes had gone from sweet to sinister and now the flame lit face gave off a malicious vibe, The sweet boy had turned into something vicious. I tried to scoot away, but he kept a firm grip on my thigh. I could feel his fingers digging into my leg in order to keep me from getting away. I told him that he was hurting me, but he still didn't let go. Then there was a hand on his shoulder. I looked up to see JJ behind him. John B joined him too. Pope helped me up.

"Dude, she clearly isn't interested," JJ said, rolling his eyes at how persistent the dude was being.

"Chill out. She was practically asking for me to sleep with her," the dude said, getting up. I watched as John B didn't even let him redeem himself. The boy punched him straight across the cheek.

"We've been watching you all night and there is no way she'd settle for a lowlife like you," he said as the dude struggled to get back on his feet. "Kie's way too good for someone like you."

Pope asked me if I was okay and I nodded. I watched as John and JJ high fived and took a couple steps towards me, also making sure I was okay. I was slightly disappointed that the boy ended up being such a jerk, but I was still so happy.

"Have you guys just been watching us this whole time?" I asked with a knowing smile. I listened to John and JJ deny it, but Pope said yes. I chuckled and hugged them. Even though they were overprotective sometimes, I knew there wasn't a thing that these boys wouldn't do for me. 

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