Chapter 2: Mistake

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As Michiru and Shirou neared the shop, she got close the the ground so he could jump off. She transformed back into her normal form. Before they entered Shirou informed,

"A cat café is a café where all the staff is cats and they wear servant outfits and even say master."
Michiru should get the idea now. He assumed.

Michiru thought,
Wow! This is going to be fun! I've always wanted to go to a maid café!

When they entered the cafe, they saw customers with the maids just talking and laughing.
Shirou was glad that it didn't look too bad. From what the website described, he thought it was going to look horrible.
As they sat down, one of the cat maids came over to them.

"Hello master what can I get for you today?"
She greeted and handed them the menu.

As Michiru looked over the menu, she saw that there was an 'extra special' items list, with one of them being coffee with whipped cream, costing over 500,000 yen.
With the maid still standing near, she got close to Shirou's ear and whispered,
"everything is so expensive here,"

She was a little too close for Shirou's comfort, but he turned and whispered back,

"Everything under special services is expensive, don't pick anything from there, it will taste the same as the cheaper ones."

It seems Michiru got the memo.

She whispered and leaned back in her seat.

She looked at the menu and saw 'friends coffee' on the second page for way cheaper, only 4000 yen. Still expensive but she just wanted some coffee and the waiter was getting tired.

"Shirou and I will have a friends coffee please!" She exclaimed.

Shirou sighed.

"Okay! Two friends coffee coming right up!"
She said, and happily left the table.

Shirou leaned over and whispered in her ear, even though he didn't have to,
"Do you know what 'friends coffee' is?"

"What is it?"
She quietly wondered out loud.

"It means a waiter will come over and talk with us for a half hour while we drink the coffee."

She looked startled.
"What why? I just thought it was a really good coffee for friends."

Shirou sighed again.
"Let's go, I think you know now what a cat café is in Anima City. There's lots of lonely people here."

"How did you know?"
Mirichu strongly questioned.

He replied,
"I, actually reviewed the website before we reached the café, it explains everything."

Shirou stood and walked out the door, pausing only for a moment to see if Michiru was following.

She said as she walked up to Shirou while looking at the website on her phone.
"That explains why everything was so expensive..."

"Promise me you will at least skim what's written on the website before deciding to go there."
His eyes looked worried, Michiru didn't want to stress him out.

"I promise! How about you pick a place Shirou-san!"
Michiru transformed her arms into wings again and teased Shirou,

"Come on, don't be shy. We still have some time before it gets dark, it's only about 19:40."

Shirou really didn't have anything else to do today and he was having a lot of fun, even with the cafe not working out.

"It's settled then."
He carefuly climbed onto Michiru and they flew off. While they were gaining altitude he thought about how effortlessly she carried him into the sky, also about how she struggled to carry those huge monsters with him all those weeks ago.
She is pretty strong. But if I trained her she would be almost as undefeated as me in battle.

He touched the scar on his neck, never wanting Michiru to go through the trauma he did.
If I was only stronger back then...

"What if we train together michru?"
Shirou asked.

She thought about it,

"That sounds really cool but are you sure I can keep up with the Silver Wolf?"
She dipped down and flew in between two buildings before catching some wind and building up the altitude again.

"I think you can, unless you're too scared to,"
Shirou goaded.

She spun in mid air, surprising Shirou. He gently put his arms around Michiru's neck. His face was right next to hers.

"Michiru, could you at least warn me before you do that."
His grumbly voice whispered in her ear. Michiru felt a blush creep upon the cheeks of her furry face. Trying to keep cool she mumbled,

"I was trying to show you that I could keep up with you... And stuff."

He laughed and sat back up saying,
"Your adorable... we uh stop right here."
After realizing what he said, his heart was beating crazily,
Why am I getting so flustered!

She didn't say anything when they landed on top of the 6 story restaurant. Shirou hesitantly stood a meter and a half from her, he shouldn't feel worried of what she will feel or say next. But he does.
He walked slightly closer to her ready with an apology for being friendly,

"Michiru I-"

"Shirou-san what if Anima City needs me, I'm much less experienced than you are. I don't even have a year's worth of experience of morphing and fighting under my belt."
She turned to him with tears pricking her eyes.

She didn't even notice the compliment I gave her.
He quietly sighed in relief.
Making a mental note to himself not to ever mess up like that again.
I've been doing alot of sighing lately.

"Don't trouble yourself for being new to the life of beastmen. Some who have been beastmen their whole lives don't know how to fight like you. They also just have one form. You have potential. Don't throw it away."

He walked up to her and gently nudged her arm with his elbow.
It was getting dark, quickly glancing at his phone it was 20:01.

"I picked this place because I like the view when the sun sets. I don't know about the food, I haven't gone into the restaurant."

He tried to lighten the mood and subtly ask her to dinner, but it didn't seem to be working.

"It is pretty. But how do I get better? I don't want to let anyone down."
Michiru's voice quivered.

"that's why I asked you to train with me."
He smiled. It was small, and possibly could've been mistaken for a grimace. But anything other than a frown from Shirou was a smile.

Michiru took a step closer to Shirou.
I've never seen him smile.

"Can I?"

Shirou blushed visibly in confusion.



If you like gravity falls fanfics so much you want to be in them, look at my story;
"A broken terror human!will cipherxreader"

Until tomorrow!

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