Mirai left her spot from behind the trees and quickly ran to join up with the warriors.

"Hey Suki." Mirai breathed out, finally spotting the choppy short brown hair that belonged to her friend.

The leader of the Kyoshi Warriors, unsurprised to hear her friend's voice, turned around to greet her, "Hey Mirai."

Mirai gave her a grin, before turning and greeting the other warriors with a smile and a small wave, all of which returned.

"I'm guessing you have already gotten a look at the intruders?" Suki questioned.

Mirai retorted, "And I'm guessing the Kyoshi Warriors were sent here to round them up for questioning?"

Suki rolled her eyes at her friends response.

"Would you like to help?" She asked Mirai.

Mirai yanked her green hood up over her head  and pulled the black fabric that sat around her neck over the bottom half of her face, leaving only her eyes visible.

"Do you even need to ask?"


It took the Kyoshi Warriors and Mirai no time to round up the intruders and lead them into the town square, where they now stood tied to the statue of Avatar Kyoshi, awaiting questioning.

The mayor finally spoke, "You three have some explaining to do."

"And if you don't answer all our questions, we're throwing you back in the water with the Unagi." Threatened Suki.

"Show yourself cowards!" The boy in blue yelled.

Suki reached forward and ripped off the cloth covering the three intruder's eyes, revealing herself, the other Kyoshi Warriors, and Mirai, who stood next to Suki with her face still hidden.

The boy's eyes zeroed in on her.

"Who are you?" He questioned Mirai. "Where are the rest of the men who ambushed us, it couldn't of been just you."

Yes it could have been just me. None of you exactly put up much of a fight.

The boy thought she was a man. This did not really bother Mirai, if anything it meant she was doing a very good job at keeping her identity a secret. It showed that the Fire Nation or any of her enemies would have trouble connecting her hooded persona to Mirai herself. What did bother Mirai was the fact that the boy assumed men had to be the ones who ambushed them, and completely disregarded the Kyoshi Warriors as a possible threat.

Mirai pulled down her hood and the fabric back down around her neck, revealing her face and long hair that tumbled past her shoulders and down her back.

"There were no men. We ambushed you." Mirai replied, gesturing to the Kyoshi Warriors the boy ignored before. "Now tell us who you are and what are you doing here."

She grinned slightly as his jaw dropped in shock and realization that the man who attacked them was actually a girl.

But he quickly picked his jaw up from the ground after noticing Mirai grinning at his reaction.

"Wait a second. There's no way a bunch of girls took us down." He said in denial.

Bad answer.

"A bunch of girls, huh? The Unagi's going to eat well tonight." Suki once again threatened, pulling on the neck of his coat.

"No don't hurt him! He didn't mean it! My brother's just an idiot sometimes." Yelled the girl dressed in similar attire, revealing herself to be the sister of the apparent idiot.

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