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Title: Enchanted

Author: Annie_Adlaine

Genre: Romance

Description: From the same world of the Mages in the 'The White Fury' series.


In the year 1873, Ethernia, a dukedom of the kingdom of Wind, Tempestus.

Beatrice Davenport's mother is looking for a way to sell her daughter off to some nobleman in order to hike up their family's reputation, thus putting a permanent hold to young Beatrice's dream of becoming a doctor. On her way of returning from an engagement ball of her friend one winter evening, Beatrice's carriage is mistaken as the Princess's and she is taken away as hostage. Her kidnappers eventually realize their mistake, but the strikingly handsome, intimidating leader of the assassins has a different plan for her. She is returned home.

However, the next day, an array of Ethernian royal knights are send to Baron Michael Davenport's household with the marriage proposal from the Duke himself.

Flattering indeed, and Beatrice is forced by her mother to accept despite her revulsion. The wedding night transpires to be outrageously preposterous to her expectations.

Since then, Beatrice finds a way to fulfil her dream, but of course, for a price. And it is her humanity.

Thus she enters a world of manipulative political games, breathtaking seduction and hopeless, reckless romance.

Thus she enters a world of manipulative political games, breathtaking seduction and hopeless, reckless romance

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