Rikiya's awakening

Start from the beginning

After the dinner, Kap and Hirozaku are returning to Hirozaku's home. "I think I figured out that place." Hirozaku says. "So did I. Lethe isn't just some cognitive world, it's a world for those who want to escape reality. It's for people who cover their ears and close their eyes and think of their own truth rather than accepting it." Kap says. "For damn sure. But why would that asshole, Kōhei, be there?" Hirozaku asks still a bit puzzled. "Maybe it's like a monster that destroys paradise. Think of it this way, imagine somebody making a sandcastle. Let's say that sandcastle is your own little world. Kōhei may be like that one annoying kid that stomps on your sandcastle. That school is Rikiya's own little escape world, a reason for him to not return home!" Kap adds. "In that case, after school, we are going into Rikiya's mind. We are kicking his ass!" Hirozaku says. "I wouldn't do that! We know only a little more of that world!" "Well, we're kicking the ass of something!" "You know, you never ceased to amaze me. At first impression, people see you as nothing but a delinquent who doesn't care, but now I see a strong man with a ton of potential and heart! You will in some way change the world and open their senses to the truth!" Kap says with a large smile to which Hirozaku feels a warm feeling, the feeling of happiness. Something he hasn't felt in a long time. "Uhh... Yeah, sure." He responds. Suddenly, he hears a voice in his head as time stops for everyone including him with only his mind being active.

"I am Thou, Thou art I...

Thou hast acquired a new companion...

With the Zodiac of the "Tiger" your journey is one step closer to it's end..."

Time resumes around Hirozaku and things go back to normal. Hirozaku blinks a few times before shaking his head. "So, are you actually gonna live in the fort you mentioned earlier?" Hirozaku asks. "Nah, that fort is really just a cardboard box at a playground. I figured I could live with you for the time being!" Kap says. "I dunno. I'm pretty sure ma would ask a shit ton of questions of you. Rikiya's family is different cause I can lie straight to their face of you! What in god's name do I even say about you?!" Rikiya asks. "Leave that to me!" Kap says with a sinister grin. "You better know what you're doing, skunk!" Hirozaku warns. As they entered his home, he sees his mom with her boyfriend. He is a tall man with a bald head, is slightly taller than Hiro and moderately buff with a Japanese police uniform. "Oh! Hiro! You're home!" Rin says to Hirozaku. "Hi, ma. Hi Sada." Hirozaku waves at his mom's boyfriend. "Hey, come on now, you can call me by my first name. Unsho." Sada says. "Y-yeah. Sure. Unsho." Hirozaku says a tad bit uncomfortable. While Unsho hasn't really treated him badly, Hiro is still having trouble adjusting to a new father figure. "And who is that little boy?" Rin asks as she kneels to him. "I am Kaoru. I'm sorry to disturb you miss, but I don't have a home. I don't know where my mom is and I am so alone." Kap says with his puppy dog eyes. "Oh, dear! Hiro must've brought you home because he felt pity for you. That is very strange, he doesn't do well with children." Rin says. "Yeah, well... you see, this kid... is a rescue! I saw him getting his ass handed to him by a bunch of assholes so I helped him and he's been following me. Guess your perspective changes when you... see another kid hurt." Hirozaku thinks up an excuse. "Well, good for you kid. I will go through the files and help find this kid a home and even find out where his mom is at." Unsho says with a smile. "Yeah, thank you for letting me stay." Kap thanks. The two then head up to Hirozaku's room. "Huh. So this is where you sleep at, huh? Seems roomy." Kap comments. The room in question is a bed that is right at a wall that's at the left side of a window with a desk on that is in front of the bed. On the other side of the desk is a walk in closet and there is a bathroom next to the closet. "Shit. We haven't figured out where you're sleeping at." "Well, I can sleep with you, can I? There is enough space for the both of us." Kap requests. "I guess. You better not wet the bed." Hiro threatens. "What kind of animal do you think I am?!" Kap says as he jumps on the right side of the bed. "You are really just gonna jump in without any PJs?" Hiro asks only to get some silence in response. "Kap?" Hiro notices that the split second that Kap went onto his bed, Kap is passed out. He did mention that he slept in a park and in a cardboard box so, of course he gets extremely comfortable the minute he is at a real bed. Rin enters the room and sees Kap asleep. "Poor child, he really is out cold." Rin says. "He is just knocked the hell out. He's out like a light." "Well, It's getting late for you as well so, you best take a shower and gets ready for bed." Rin tells him. "Yeah ok." Hiro replies.

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