"It was only one time." I defended, Kelly just giving me a knowing look. "Okay, more than once."

"You being safe?"

"Of course."

"Whose decision was it?"

"Both of ours, I guess."

"You guess?"

"No. No. Like I know it was- this is weird." I bit my lip, finding the topic not all that comfortable to speak on. "Do we have to talk about this?"

"How are you gonna feel grown enough to do it, yet not grown enough to have a conversation about it?"

"You're my sister." I reminded her.

"So, you should feel the most comfortable with me anyways."

"Well, I'm uncomfortable right now."

Kelly smiled, clearly finding it funny. "I was your age when it happened with me too. And he was fine too."

"What happened with him?" I couldn't help but ask.

"He cheated on me."

"Somebody cheated on you?" I asked, shocked.

My sister had the looks of a model, and that isn't me exaggerating. Throughout our times shopping together when I was young, multiple women approached to ask if she did modeling work. She'd always been pretty and tall, the main attributes of the hottest models, and still was to this day. She constantly had men pining for her attention, so to hear that she was cheated on was surprising to me.

That nigga must've been the dumbest of the dumb.

"Oh yeah, more than once." She confirmed with a nod.

"What'd you do?"

Kelly instantly let out a laugh. "Poured one of Eddy's milkshakes on his head. He was so mad he chased me out of Eddy's but ended up tripping and falling in the parking lot. People were talking about it for weeks." The happiness and sense of pride she had as she spoke made me smile. Only for the smile to slip from her face as she caught my expression, turning serious. "But don't do that. That's really mean. God has better revenge for people like that."

"Better than a vanilla milkshake to the face in front of all his friends?" I asked unconvinced as she parked in front of the house.

"Yes. Better than that." She managed to smile. "I can't wait to show Ma your dress. She's gonna love it."

"You think?"

"As long as you leave out the part of what you're trying to get into afterwards, Mama and Daddy'll be all for it."

"Shut up." I glared at her lightly as I got out of the car, grabbing the bag from the backseat.

"You're lucky I'm joking about this and not dragging your ass to confession."

"But you did the same thing!"

"This isn't about me." She smartly replied. "This is about you and your deeds."

"When are you gonna get a boyfriend?" I questioned as I followed her into the house.

"When Will Smith is ready for a woman like me."

"So never." Calvin commented as he walked past us. Kelly instantly slapped his head while I laughed.

"Hey, be nice to your sister. She doesn't need a man." Dad spoke up. "You can stay single for as long as you want to, baby girl." He kissed her forehead. "Boys just break your heart."

"Hey!" I exclaimed.

"But Quincy seems nice." He quickly added.

"He's lying." Rashad spoke up.

"What are you even doing here?!" I demanded, giving him a look, already annoyed by his presence.

"I don't live here anymore?"

"Not from January to May no. It's February."

Rashad relaxed in his seat. "Fine. Kelly'll drive me back to campus."

"I beg to differ." Kelly responded, pulling a face.

He pulled an questioning look. "For real?"

"You got gas money?"

"I got 10 bucks and a bus ticket."

"Oh lord." Mama sighed as she made her way into the room. "Oh my God, is that the dress?" Her eyes sparkling as she looked to the bag in my hands.

"Yeah." I smiled.

"Go try it on and let me see." She pushed me forward in excitement, making me laugh.

I was just glad things were getting back to the way they used to be.

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