I hugged her back but I was carrying this huge puppy. I couldn't hold long enough and good thing Yujin put her foot on the ground.

"Nope didn't come here for you puppy. Came for this lady"

I grabbed Minju hand and took her to the passenger seat.

I opened the door for Minju and then closed it.

"Eww didn't see you as a romantic person unnie!" said Yujin.

"Ya! go home and do your homework!"

"Don't have any! Going to hang out with Wonyoung"

"Don't come home late!" I told her and she just ran away with Wonyoung.

Wonyoung just bowed, Yuri and Hitomi did the same. I just waved at them and then went inside the car.

I went to grab the bouquet of flower in the back seat and handed it to Minju.

"A Mix of three, roses, violets and fiesta( there is a flower named fiesta).

"Gomawo Unnie"

"So let's go eat first before the movie?" I asked and she just nods.

I drove off to this korean bbq place that was near the movie theater.

At the BBQ place

"You want the combo meat?"

"Anything unnie"


I then ordered what we wanted and then the waitress came back with the side dishes. I started to take a few bites but Minju wasn't.

"No diet today! And it's my treat as a sorry for yesterday."

She just nods. I then offered her meat on top of her rice.

"Come on eat Minju! Please."

She then started to eat and I smiled at her because of the reaction she made as she was eating. Her eyes became big as she continued to eat to food.

"It's good right?!"

"It's so good unnie"

"I should bring you out to eat more often then."

At the Movies

I bought the tickets and Minju waited for me before we went to the room.

We didn't buy any food or drinks. Although I wanted so badly the popcorn since it was matcha flavoured. But I must not. I need to make this first date as romantic as possible for Minju and not a disaster.

Minju then grabbed my wrist and we headed to the room.

"Unnie walk faster the movie is starting soon"

"We still have time Minju"

"But I want to get the best seats"

"Oki" I surrendered to Minju.

We were in the room and Minju was still holding my wrist. She made her way through the seats to find the best ones. Not too in front that will make our necks hurt and now too far in the back that we can see well.

As we seated. I heard the couple behind us were laughing and giggling. Geeze those two are noisy.

Mid-way in the movie. I went and intertwined my hand with Minju's. She then looked away after seeing what I did.

A few minutes later, Minju looked at me and then I leaned closer to her.

But then Minju hits my forehead with hers.

"Bwahahahahaha" I heard the person behind laugh and looked at the person. I then saw Chaewon and Hitomi.

They waved at me and Minju and smiled and I can feel that Chaewon is going to tease me about this.

I looked back at Minju and she had her head low and it seems like she was blushing.

So she did wanted to kiss. Later I will steal your first kiss Kim Minju.

End of the Movie.

The lights came back on and people were starting to leave one by one. And I saw Ssambang hurrying to leave the room.

"Enjoy the rest of your date!"

"Bye Minju, bye Hyewon-unnie" waved Hitomi at us.

"Ya! Chaewon-yah" I shouted.

"Let them go unnie, Let's go eat, I know a new restaurant around the area. Let's go" said Minju to me as a way to ignore Chaewon and she knows that I can't say no to food.


We then went to this restaurant or should I say dessert shop.

We then bought some gelato and went out.

We headed to the car and drove off.

Minju's POV

Hyewon-unnie just drove off to somewhere I don't know where we are at the moment.

We finally arrived at this cliff where you can see the whole city. It was beautiful. The different light colour and the city being still active even at night.

Hyewon unnie just went out with her gelato and went to sit on the hood of her car.

I went beside her and continued to eat my gelato.  After finishing eating, we just looked up to the night sky.

I continued to look up when I felt a hand grabbing my chin and turning me.

My eyes widen as Hyewon-unnie is kissing me and she was deepening her kiss.

I just closed my eyes and accepted her kiss.

It was the night we had our first date and first kiss.


Hope you liked it!

Next ships will be Annyeongz and then Yenyul.

And then back to Nakbi and Chaekura for some drama.

Don't forget to leave a comment and a vote!


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