Chapter 4

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it had finally happened. Something we had all been dreading..the first killing. We were going down the elevator into the trial room. The elevator seemed way to sketchy and it was scary to know what would come before us. The elevator finally reached the bottom floor as it opened before us we saw a rather weird court room. We stood at our assigned podiums.
"Are we all ready? Good, Good! Now the basic rules of the class trial. Here you will discuss and debate who the killer is with the clues you all found. At the end of the class trial we will debate who the murderer is. Get it right? Then your all free to live the rest of your school life's except the killer. The killer will be blackened in an execution. But, debate who the killer is and get it wrong. You will ALL be executed except the murderer. The murderer will graduate. Though..when it comes to debating it will only work if you all select the same person. If everyone was to select a student and get it right except one person. Everyone will be excuted. So, make one mistake and you're done!" Monokuma explained. I couldn't believe what I was hearing, execution?!
"EXECUTION?!" Nastya Yelled.
"That's way unfair! You never said anything about execution, what the fuck?!" Clementine cried out. Monokuma sat at his chair and crossed his arms.
"Oh whatever. I have a bad memory! Now..let the class trial commence!"
There was an awkward silence in between us all. We didn't know where to start.
"Um..come on! Just own up.." Sam said.
"I don't think the murderer will admit that easily..not like they want to get executed! Is there really a killer among us? I bet it was Monokuma!!" Squid seemed obviously pissed.
"No! No way. I wouldn't kill anyone here. It's your guys fun..not mine! It was one of you lot!" Monokuma said.
"Why don't we start with the murder weapon, then we can gradually move along with all the clues we found." Chloe looked around at everyone and nodded.
"Good idea. It seemed like Kris had a blow to the head and a fatal stab wound in her stomach. I think it killed her instantly?" Mason said.
"I think, just think. The stab wound came before the blow to the head. The blood on the knife seemed pretty dry to me! So that's one thing down!" Naty said.
"Wait! No! I'm sorry to correct you but, I think the head injury came first. Why would the Murderer kill Kriso obviously knowing she was dead and bother to smack her over the head with the pan? Whats the point?" I tilt my head and looked away.
"And don't say just to double check if she was dead..the murderer would've obviously checked her pulse to see if she was alive. Kriso was hit in the head with a pan first."
"Do you think there might of been a fight? The murderer might of hit Kriso over the head to distract her from what was about to happen. The murderer obviously wanted everything to go to plan." Chloe said.
"Yeah..I would assume so.." I replied.
"Did anyone else notice the syringe on the floor. It was a syringe kept in the nurses office, there were 10 Syringes and 5 bottles of the liquid exactly, counted myself!" Nastya seemed proud to have said something.
"Right..anyways..I'm pretty sure there were 4 knifes in total on the rack. But when I looked after the corpse had been discovered there were only 3. I think the murderer used a kitchen knife to kill Kriso." I said.
"H-Hey! I'm sorry to intrude again but I have something to say I forgot about..well..that syringe on the floor..I remember being stabbed with it. Then waking up in my dorm the next day. It was a rough ride to say the least.." Nastya said. I couldn't believe what I was hearing.
"What?! And you only decide to tell us now?" I crossed my arms.
"Well atleast you told us..thanks." Chloe said.
"Anyways, should we talk about Alibis now?" Chloe also said.
"Well..Me, Sam, Emily, Squid and Chloe all have alibis. We were all together when I suppose the murder had taken place." Clementine looked at Mason, Nastya and Naty and pointed at the 3 of them.
"Yet..3 of you have no alibis! So it was one of you 3!!" Clementine looked away.
"Hey..we can't just skip to assuming. We need to atleast get some hints to who it could've been! All of our lives are on the line.." Squid smiled awkwardly and looked away upset.
"Guys! I know your upset. We're all upset. But, we can't slack now! We're doing good!" Sam said. He was obviously trying to motivate everyone. I looked down thinking deeply into what everyone had said.
"Does anyone know the time the murder took place?" Naty said.
"no..I just remember waking up in my bed in the morning. I have no idea who took me there or how I got there." Mason said.
"Wait.." I looked up and tilt my head.
"You must've been stabbed with the antidote aswell." I shook my head and looked back down going back into deep thought.
"But wouldn't of there been more syringes on the floor?" Naty tilt her head.
"Actually! I checked the Kitchen bin and there were exactly 3 used syringes in there." Squid said.
"Mason must've just blacked out or something..since I didn't get stabbed for sure! I went back to my dorm since it was just boring.." Naty said.
"And you expect us to believe you that easily? It could've been you!" Nastya shouted.
"But it wasn't! Don't falsely accuse me of stuff I never did!" Naty shouted back.
"Guys! Shut up! The pair of you." Chloe snapped. I looked up and looked to Monokuma.
"Can I ask you a question Monokuma?" I said.
"Ofcourse go ahead!" Monokuma tilt his head and stood up on his chair.
"Isn't nighttime 10pm?"
"Yes, yes! Nighttime is 10pm indeed. You all have to be in the dorms by 10:05pm or else you'll be punished, we have strict rules here! can't be roaming around at night or I'll just most likely kill you right on the spot somehow. I'm always watching.." he said.
"Thats kinda creepy..but thanks. So what this means is that the murder took place before 10pm. I've been thinking deep into this, if we had to be in before 10:05pm it would've not taken 5 minutes to drug 2 people carry them to their beds without being spotted and committed a murder and expose of all evidence that could've been before." I looked back at everyone else and tilt my head again.
"It would've been impossible.." Clementine said.
"So this means the murder must've taken place when we were all still together in the arcade and Kitchen." I looked back down again and rubbed my chin.
"Also..Nastya. Quick question." I tilted my head and looked back up facing them.
"Yes? Go ahead!" They said.
"you claim to have been drugged during the murder right?" I said.
"Yeah.." they replied.
"How do you know that for sure though? If you were drugged during the crime scene you wouldn't of remembered it..would you?" I looked directly at them and clenched my fist.
"w-what? But I did feel it!" they shrugged and was obviously forcing themselves to stay calm.
"I can't believe you'd accuse me of being Kriso's murderer?! I would never!" They looked away and crossed their arms.
"Right..but that's what you say. There was also, how many syringes and bottles of liquid again? 10 syringes and 5 bottles of liquid? You counted them yourself." I said.
"Yeah! Stop trying to twist words around we're trying to figure out the murderer here!" They pointed at me and obviously seemed angry.
"I may of already figured it out. Now. My question. How did you even get into the nurses office. You would've needed Chloe's key to get in, RIGHT?" I looked to chloe.
"oh wonder my key was missing this morning." She looked up at me and then I looked back at Nastya.
"Do you have anything to hand over?" I tilted my head.
"H-Hey Emily..I think you're getting a bit hooked on this, maybe calm down a can't just assume Nastya was the killer because of this situation.." Sam said.
Nastya sighed and looked away. They reached a hand into their pocket pulling a silver key out which had the letters, "NO" carved into it which obviously stood for, "nurses office." They placed it on their palm and showed the students.
"THERE IT IS!" Chloe ran over to Nastya's podium and snatched the key of her and ran back to hers. Sam looked at Nastya then looked back at me and everyone stayed silent.
"Nastya..d-did you really kill Kriso.." Naty said.
"I'm so sorry Nastya..but it all made sense..honesty is better than resisting..right?" I smiled awkwardly.
"HONESTY? RESISTING? THATS A BUNCH OF BULLCRAP! I WAS GOING TO GET FOUND OUT ONE WAY OR ANOTHER! I DONT WANNA GET FUCKING EXECUTED!" They looked up at Monokuma and covered their face. I felt responsible. I felt responsible for this despair Nastya was feeling. I looked away.
"I murdered Kriso Fine! Yes I did! But I wanted to get out this shithole!! I wanted to live a normal life, I didn't come here to get fucking executed!" They said. They gripped onto their hair and started crying.
"PLEASE! JUST LET ME OFF THIS ONE TIME! PLEASE..PLEASE! FUCKING PLEASE!" They looked up at Monokuma and fell onto their knees.
"Alright..calm down..but you see..the rules are the rules and I go by the rules! Now. LETS VOTE!"
We all voted for the person we believed was the murderer.
"Pupupupu..seems you all got it correct. Nastya is Kriso's Killer! Eheh- this is going to be so much fun this punishment is special just for little Nastya over here." Nastya's head instantly shot up. They stood up and ran away to the walls of the court room. They banged against them and ran their nails down the walls.
"LET ME OUT! PLEASE FUCKING LET ME OUT! SOMEONE HELP ME!" They screamed and put their head against the wall and hit the wall.
"Now let's give it everything we've got! It's punishment time!"
Nastya was stood on a high mountain extremely close to the cliffs edge. Infront of Nastya came down a bunch of Lights, Monokuma standing next to them holding a switch. After a couple minutes of silence Monokuma turned on the switch. The lights began rapidly flickering and Nastya instantly covered their eyes. The lights began moving towards Nastya and they walked backwards still covering their face. They eventually got to the cliff edge. The lights were still approaching them. Suddenly, the lights quickly approached Nastya. They eventually fell of the cliff of the mountain. Nastya uncovered their eyes and screamed as they were falling. Suddenly a rope fell down infront of them. They grabbed the rope and saw a Helicopter above them. They could get to the helicopter and escape from this nightmare and the killing game itself. They climbed up the rope nearly getting to the top, they reached out to the helicopter and all of a sudden it was gone. Time stopped and Nastya's heart dropped. They lost their grip of the rope and fell, eventually hitting the floor and dying instantly..
We were watching what happened on a big tv in the court room. I felt responsible for Nastya's death. I really wish I didn't say anything..but..we would've died if I didn't, unless someone else knew? I'm so sorry Nastya.

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