Dick Grayson - New Fears

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I got these new fears
I carry with me
So you can feel stronger
And you can know peace


When Dick came to, he had no idea where he was. All he knew was that his shoulders hurt, and his legs were stiff due to hours stuck in the uncomfortable position he'd obviously fallen asleep in.

He opened his eyes fully to the dim light of the room, adjusting his position to get some blood flow back into his legs.

Rubbing his face lazily, he forced himself awake and tried to picture the last thing he remembered...

It was falling asleep in the chair he had pulled up to be beside his wife's hospital bed.

Dick sighed gently into the silent room, knowing that his heart had never been as full and as content as it was then - and as it has been since.

(Y/n) lay there peacefully and Dick couldn't resist the smile that crept onto his face as he observed her.

The standard hospital blankets were bunched up around her shoulders, and tucked beneath her feet like he knew she liked. Her (H/c) hair was knotted and damp with sweat, spread out over the pillows like a halo, and her chest rose and fell delicately as her breath sighed from between chapped, parted lips.

Even in this state she was still the most beautiful person that Dick had ever laid eyes on.

It was as if every time he looked at her, he was seeing her for the very first time.

When normal people caught feelings for someone, they'd get a tingling sensation of butterflies in their bellies. But Dick? In his belly raged a fire so great it made the accident at Cadmus look like a matchstick by comparison.

He had been hooked from day one, and the fire hadn't died down one bit since.

Especially not since the tiny, sleeping figure that lay in the crib at his wife's other side had arrived into this world, merely hours ago.

He didn't think he'd ever get over that fact; the fact that he, Dick Grayson, had helped bring a new life into this cruel world, thanks to the amazing woman that slept soundly before him.

The lives that he had taken in his past had haunted him forever, but the anxiety and dread that they plagued him with became secondary to the strong little heartbeat that pattered away in the crib.

That was his daughter, in that crib. The tiny human that lived and breathed and slept in there was his daughter, Mary (Name) Grayson. Named after his deceased mother, and his wife's favourite book character, of course.

Dick's gaze fixed upon the happy bundle of blankets at his wife's right side, and he felt tears prick in his eyes. He thought that he'd spent his last tear hearing Mary's piercing wails and feeling her tiny limbs thrashing against his bare chest for the first time, but clearly he was wrong.

(Y/n) and him had already lost so much, had been losing for so long, but now they felt like winners. More than winners: they felt like a family - something that neither of them had any real experience being in - but now they were together it felt right, as if the world had suddenly become a brighter place.

Then it all spiralled out of control for a second, and not for the first time, either.

Many times since (Y/n) first told him that she was pregnant, Dick found himself feeling lost and utterly helpless.

This child couldn't defend herself! Neither could (Y/n), in this state!

What if Deathstroke burst through the door right this second? What if they got into a car accident on the way back to the Tower? What if the Tower got overrun and people tried to take his daughter away? What if he was forced to choose between his daughter or his wife? What if, what if, what if?

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