Art not mine~ simply found on pinterest~

I put my hair into two down pony tails afterwards spraying some nice perfume on me then I was ready.


Yashiro opened the door leading out into the hallway. Once she was out she closed the door behind her then began to walk down the stairs only to see Amane by the door waiting for her his keys in his hands.

Amane was wearing almost the same thing expect he wasn't in a dress. He was wearing a white shirt that was tucked in his light grey jeans with a pink Jacket.

"Shall we be on our way?" He said as he took her hand as she reached the last step. "We shall." Yashiro took his hand as they walked to the door slipping there shoes on. Then they were on there way~

Time skip to the photo shoot

Amane parked the car in a parking lot of a park. He got out of the car quickly running to Yashiro side to open the door for her afterwords taking her hand.

"Amane-kun I thought we were suppose to be going to a photo shoot and not the park?" Yashiro asked as they walked along the concrete pathway with cherry blossom trees.

"Huh I did? Sorry I lied I really just wanted to go on a date with you that all.~" Amane answered her question.

They continued on there walk around the park until they start to get hungry. "Yashiro there a small cafe over there do you wanna eat?" Amane pointed over towards a cafe.

"Sure why not." Amane and Yashiro began walking over towards the cafe. When they reached the cafe Yashiro order strawberry-filled rice cakes with some tea. Amane order just plain donuts with water. After they ordered that sat outside over by a garden full of flowers.

"The flowers are so pretty!" Yashiro said excitingly as she looked at the beautiful flowers. "The flowers are indeed pretty but not as pretty as you are sitting in front of me with your magenta eyes gazing over at the flowers, your hair blowing by due to the wind, then finally your adorable smile you show when your happy.~" Amane said as he looked at Yashiro.

She then faced to see Amane smiling while he was playing with the straw that was in his drink. But before she could say anything they were interrupted by there food that had arrived.

After they enjoyed there wonderful meal they continued the date by walking around the park once again. They enjoyed seeing the kids running after each other, chasing one an other. It reminded of them when they were little. But they didn't get the chance to play at the park though.

Midway through there walk Amane phone had started to go off. He reached down to his pocket to grab his phone to find out it was Akane calling him.

He signed before answering it. He was really enjoying this time with Yashiro.

"Alright you have 5mins to talk before I hang up."

"Well I wouldn't be calling you if you here on time! Your late for your interview session!

"Interview session?"

"Did Mitsuba not tell you? Sign just get here at the studio within an hour."


hen Akane hanged up. Amane was now a bit mad that the date was gonna have to end unfortunately.

Yashiro felt Amane squeeze her hand tighter. "Amane-kun are you alright?" Yashiro asked as she felt him squeeze her hand tight.

"Yeah I'm fine... just upset that we going have to end this date. Apparently I'm needed at the studio." Amane started to explain to Yashiro.

"Amane-kun it's alright. And besides I had fun even thought it only lasted 3 hours I still had fun. Plus we got half of the month left to do whatever we wanted." Yashiro said in a happy tone after words giving him a kiss on the cheek. Yashiro broke free from holding his hand then ran forward some away from Amane.

"Wait.." he touched the side of his cheek that she had kissed. "That's not fair Yashiro let me kiss you back!" He started to run towards her but she started to run away laughing~.

The chase went on for about 10mins. Amane had grabbed Yashiro wrist pulling her into him. Yashiro quit laughing as Amane smirked at her. "What's wrong? Mad that I caught you?" Amane laughed a little lowering his hands down to her waist pulling her closer to him

"Amane-kun let me go! Don't you have to be at the studio!" Yashiro struggled to get out of his grip.

"They can wait~ and besides its not fair that you got to kiss me but I didn't get to kiss you~." Amane leaned down closer to her there noses almost touching.

"Amane! Your too close!" Then he kissed her on the lips~ he leaned her back some to deepen the kiss.

The kiss had lasted for about 2mins. Yashiro was blushing like crazy while Amane was smirking.

"Now we can be on our way." He said as he handed her his hand. She hesitated at first but then accepted it there fingers intertwining with one another as they walked to the car.

Time skip at the Studio~

Yashiro was waiting out in the hallway while Amane was doing this unexpected interview session.

She was looking out the window at the sky. It looked like it was going to storm later, Yashiro didn't like storms. She was always scared of them ever since she was little.

Yashiro got bored at looking out the window so she began to wonder around the halls until she unexpectedly ran into someone familiar.~


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