First day

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"Julian, I need a favor."

"Whatever will it be now?" Julian said with a smile.

"Zander and Logan." I said a little more nervous. I didn't like talking to Julian about boys I liked. Just didn't seem right to me.

"Mind clarifying."

"I like 'em both. I have this plan about asking them both out. Preferably before Thanksgiving break. I need your help to kind of play high school bachelorette/ matchmaker."

Julian laughed at my enthusiasm at asking them out. He stopped once he saw I wasn't laughing. "Wait, are you serious?"

"A little. Okay a lot!"

"Cassie, neither one of them are your type." I realized at this moment that it might have been a mistake. I think Julian noticed that I felt bad about asking him cause he followed it with, "but, if you really want my help, I don't see why not."

I leaped into his arms, "you won't regret this! I swear on everything I am, I owe you big time."

"Okay, now sit before you kill us, sit down. Just so you know, I'm never going to forget this. I'm holding this over your head you know?"

"I wouldn't expect anything different." I smiled and enjoyed the music and fresh breeze as we drove the rest of the way to school v

We arrived at school with enough time to spare to say hello to our frie-... The friend-ish kind of people we talked to. We also found enough time to go say hi to our favorite teachers from the previous years. It was a tradition we had on the first day.

When the bell rung we made our way to the auditorium. On the first day at Lakewood High, all the seniors gathered into the auditorium so the administration can explain the details of what we will be doing this year. I found it boring since it isn't like the information has been the same since 1986 when the school first opened. I mean the more time that passes, the traditions change slightly to accommodate for the fact we live in 2020 and not in 1986, but it's the same assembly. I guarantee you that 8th graders have heard this speech from their older siblings who have already gone through this rather cruel torture system. This was the one part of the day I couldn't change to make this day perfect, but I knew that and had to make changes to work around this so I can still enjoy today.

"Wow! You are all Seniors! Seems like yesterday we welcomed you all in when you were small children. Now, you all have turned into members of society and very well respected young adults."

I leaned over to Julian and whispered in his ear, "not according to my mom. According to her, Senior year doesn't grant you any sort of permission to call your self a young adult. We work hard for four years and we don't get the choice of what we are called. I think she would prefer the term mutant creatures rather than young adult or member of society." Julian tried hard not to laugh so the administration wouldn't give him a warning.

"I'm pretty sure your mom doesn't want to think of a world where her precious gem considers her self a intellectual source as well as a contributing factor to how this world grows, that the rest of the community could use and squander your potential."

"I think my mom believes if she kept me locked in my room the universe would get the hint that she hates watching me grow up."


We continued to listen to the full information presented to us by our vice principal. Frankly, I think that he believes if he uses words like 'rad' and 'how's it hanging' he will be able to better convey this to us.

Eventually we are released to our second period class since the assembly took up the entire hour of period 1. Julian and I look at our schedules for the first time to realize we have the same class, but not the same teacher. We both have art, but he took art for the advanced and I took art for the intermediate. Neither of us really wanted to take art, but it was either that or theater and neither of us could act nor could we be taught to act. Art was a no brainier when it came down to it. It fulfilled a requirement to graduate and was less dull than computers. We could have taken chorus or band to fill the requirement for art, except for the fact that I get scared singing publicly and I never played an instrument. Julian is a horrible singer, but what he lacks, he makes up for with great hair and amazing drum skills. He could definitely be in the percussion section if he wasn't so worried about what his parents would say. You see Julian's parents were 'popular' in high school. Prom king and queen, baseball player and dance captain, student body v.p and president. They ruled the school. Julian is a low maintenance person. He is simple and not so 'popular'. We prefer it that way. But, his parents are a little disappointed that he didn't turn out as cool as they had hoped. It's unfortunate. He's an amazing student. Hmmm... guess I'm lucky there.

I walk into the class and inhale paint. There were all kinds of art supplies thrown in place just in time for our arrival. It wasn't near as perfect as I had hoped, but it wasn't horrible. Our teacher looked like they belonged in a autumn rock band with a pop twist. She was very different than what I expected, but it was easy to get along with her. She had very few expectations for us and only required us to try and do the best we could. Half the class will remember that. The other half won't. At least 23% of the class will be sent to the office for disciplinary action. An estimated 77% will follow rules. It's just how it goes in these art classes.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2020 ⏰

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