Chapter 1

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It has been almost a full year since Nagisa became a teacher at this certain high school, and he was getting ready for the end of the year summer festival.

It's been a while since he had to crossdress, and for once, it wasn't for work.

Immediately after Nagisa for himself a job as a teacher and walked down the path left by Koro Sensei, he asked Mr Karasuma if he could enrol in the next level of military practice.

He had created the environment between danger and study, so he needed to be on his highest alert.

And so, Nagisa was now a teacher by day and a private agent assassin by night employed by the government.

Waking up in the morning, Nagisa got out of bed and started his morning workout routine before having a shower.

He had many beauty products, guidance from Miss Bitch or now Mrs Karasuma, to help make sure his body was still flawless for his job.

Nagisa didn't look it, but he could easily win in most hand to hand combats now through strength and his instincts alone.

After making sure his whole body had a thin layer of sun cream to keep his skin fair, he made himself breakfast, ate, and then got dressed into a suit before grabbing his bag and walking to school.

One he got all his day's lessons placed in the correct piles on his desk, he got himself a drink before heading to the staff lounge to watch the news until the bell rang.

"-would you be accepting this offer Mr Akabane?"

A familiar face grinned at the cameras, and it brought Nagisa's attention to the screen as he saw the redhead start his speech.

"To be perfectly honest, I didn't want to be president because working behind the scenes was a lot more fun. However!"

The camera shifted towards the other people who had run for president, and Karma waved a nonchalant hand in their direction.

"They were too dumb, so I didn't really have much choice."

It caused giggles from the audience, and the other runners seemed uncomfortable. However, one was visually getting more and more upset at each passing second.

Although that wasn't where the malicious wavelength that Nagisa could detect was coming from.

The training he received had sharpened Nagisa's natural gift. Since he could now control how to affect the person's wavelength at will, Nagisa was both a fantastic teacher and a brilliant assassin.

The angry candidate then tried to speak to the crowd.

"This man shouldn't be president! He's uncouth and has a dangerous background!"

Karma just shrugged his shoulders before his face became serious.

"Everyone's past affects their future, but that's up to the person to decide. I am not so pitiful that I would let my past chain me down."

Karma grinned at the candidate, who was more pissed than ever.

"I actually learnt that from someone dear. Anyway, you claim in I'm uncouth. Tell me, how do I convince you I'm not?"

The man grinned.

"Come to the social party next month!"

Karma stilled, and Nagisa giggled. The teacher knew the redhead hated these events, and if he went, he would walk off and explore.

He sighed before nodding, and the candidate seemed surprised.

"Well, I'll see you there, Mr Akabane."

The interview ended as Nagisa got up to start his class, and he reached to open the door to his students.

Turning the handle, the teacher sighed as he noticed the slight weight difference in the door as he put his documents under an arm, catching a falling bucket of water.

"I'll now take roll call. Please sit yourselves down."

The students sat down as usual, but once again, the troublemaker's leader refused and sat on his table instead.

Finishing roll call, Nagisa pulled out one of the pens in his pocket before twirling it casually between his fingers.

"Now now, that trick from this morning was rather childish. Why don't you sit at your desk," he sighed, quickening the spin.

"It's already been almost a year since I pushed you down easily onto a chair. I would've thought your methods would be a little more creative."

He then stopped the pen and drew a little X in the air.

"No marks for creativity, I'm afraid."

The leader sighed before sitting down at his desk in a huff. Whether he liked it or not, his grades were now good enough for him to get into the college he wanted, and it was all because of Nagisa.

Everyone in the class was now prepared to go where they wanted. And with the summer festival was around the corner, the children got to celebrate the end of their exams.

Writing the ideas that his students thought of, Nagisa wanted to groan inside when his class decided to do a genderswap café.

All the girls had chosen to do this since they hated their uniform and wanted to wear pants. Despite outnumbering the female ratio, the boys had split between choosing a haunted house, a food stall, and a rock paper scissors strip battle.

This caused a majority in the genderswap café, and that's why after school, Nagisa found himself confronted by the girls.

"Shiota Sensei! You'll be participating with us too, like the other teachers, right?"

Nagisa was a little taken aback since he had no idea the students would want him to join. That was until...

"We already got you an outfit, sir!"

And now Nagisa was in the staff room changing into a maid outfit the girls had provided.

"This feels like deja vu..."

He sighed as he quickly put on the frills and tied his hair up. It was short now, but there was still enough for little pigtails that reminded him of Kayano.

He felt a little uncomfortable at the short skirt as he pulled up the thigh highs. He still didn't like the way they would start to slip down after a bit of walking.

A few more clips later, he was done and walked out of the staff room.

"Shiota sensei, you look adorable!!!!"

The girls in butler outfits squealed as they doted in their little professor.

"How did you kids get my size? This fits TOO perfectly!!!"

He sighed before readjusting the hem, "I'll see if the rest of the class are ready

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He sighed before readjusting the hem, "I'll see if the rest of the class are ready."

He walked into his class to see all the other boys stuffed into frilly skirts and had to hold back a chuckle. It wasn't often Nagisa got to see others in the same predicament as he.

One of the boys were struggling with the neck cuff, and Nagisa walked over to help.

"Ah... Thanks, Sensei. I've never worn anything like this before, so..."

My Secret Assassin |Karma x Nagisa [Completed] Where stories live. Discover now