Suddenly Legoshi came flying out of his bunk with a panicked look on his face. His foot connects with my  torso sending me flying to the ground. I panicked seeing the despondent Legoshi hovering over me breathing heavily.

"I-I I'm sorry for looking I won't tell anyone! I swear, I promise, just please close your mouth!" I shouted

Legoshi drew back throwing his hands over his mouth.

He got off of me and sat back down on his bunk
I look over at Legoshi was still a bundle of stress as Legoshi and I sat in silence deciding on what should be said next.

I looked downcast holding out the crude magazine.

"I wanted to read the manga I lent you, and that's when I found this." I set the magazine down at Legoshi's feet.

"I won't tell anyone, I promise you that. But..."

"The truth is," Legoshi cut in, "Ever since I met the human girl, I've been so confused. I thought I should reflect on my feelings for her from different perspectives."

"Eh? Does that're in love with her?" I questioned

"It's hard to breathe whenever I get around her. Things get much more difficult. How can anyone describe this feeling as love? It should end, it's not too late."

"Legoshi...I'm sorry," I said

"Nah, it's fine. I know it's not love. I was just confused," Legoshi said smiling at me.

"Eh? Are you sure?" I asked.

"I'm used to repressing my feelings. I even learned to force a smile. That's right, I just need to go back to being who I was before. Simple and calm, that's how I should be."



Haru and I were at the Meteor festival grounds setting up the booth for the Gardening Club.

"How much more time do you have?" Haru asked

"Oh I've still got at least an hour before drama club
wanted to see me," I replied.

"Alright, then let's keep working."

I nods and we continued to work


"Yeah haru?"I asked as she pointed out to Legoshi who was carrying a empty bucket,

Haru looked at Me

"No"I said with a scared red face. Haru rolled her eyes and pushed me towards Legoshi.


Legoshi Pov

I was startled and looked around me until I spotted the red face y/n

"H-Hey," Y/n greeted

I stared at y/n sweating with wide eyes.

"Calm down...we're just friends."

"How are you doing at the the Drama Club?" Y/n asked

"I'm good." Legoshi set down his bucket and his tail was already wagging. "Are you here helping the Gardening club right now?"

"Yeah, it's a lot of work since it's just me and Haru, umm if you are not..too busy...we would love another set of hands," Y/n said

"Oh, um I'm not sure. The Drama Club is pretty busy too, I don't know if I can," I  said

"Ah, I understand. See you later then" She gave a small wave before walking away.

I  watched the entire time as Y/n left.



I was once again busy with work, not paying that much attention around me.

Then I was almost done finished with the flowers and turn around to see haru not there?

I walk behind the booth to see Louis making out with haru

"Ahh! I'm sorry!" I said turning around and run but I tripped over rock making me fall face first


Louis and Haru watched as they saw me fall

they both started to laugh.

"Guys it's not funny"  I whined


Legoshi Pov

I was at the top of a scaffolding painting the head of a T-rex sculpture.

"With Louis these days we can't slack off at all. He shows up randomly like he's the boss," Kai complained

I looked over at Louis strolling along the festival grounds.

"Huh? Are they rehearsing the lighting ceremony?" I asked

"Actors don't have any rehearsals going on today," Kai said

My eyes followed Louis's form as the deer went to a set of the gardening club's booth.

While Louis was inside the booth I couldn't see what he was doing, but then Y/n walk behind the booth

When the girl turned around she seemed surprised by something and ended tripped over something

I wondered if she was fine, but my brows raised when he saw Louis step out from the blind spot of the booth walking over to Y/n.

as he helped y/n up he smiled at y/n and patted her on the head.

Y/n seemed embarrassed but gave Louis a shy smile back.

I watched the entire interaction with an opened mouth frown. The edges of my vision start to go blurry, my heart beating loudly. I clenched my fist with paint tube in it.

"I suspected it."

My fist clenched harder and the paint tubes burst in my hand.

"It's difficult to breathe when I think about her. Things have been much harder to deal with. Y/n.
Y/n! Please stop showing him that smile, now that I've just figured now what this feeling is."

I dragged my paint drenched hand up the side of my face.

"Y/n, in love with you."

I'm only human Legoshi x Human Reader  Where stories live. Discover now