Peter it is

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10th July

"Hey Karen"

'Yes, Penelope?'

"I need to tell you something"

'Are you sure you want to tell me' the humanoid voice replied 'if you need a human I could always call Mr Stark for you'

"No you don't need to do that, your perfect for this" Penelope shifted uncomfortably as she tried to find the words she wanted to say "Anything I say stays between you and me right"

'Unless your in danger, everything you tell me is private'

"Remember that thing I told you by mistake"

'The time you told me you might be a boy?'

"Yeah that one" She glanced around at the quiet streets "I was right"

'Am I to call you Sir now?'

"No that's too formal but like the name Peter"

'Peter it is'

"I think I knew the entire time"

'Is that so?'

"Yeah what other 14-year-old girl would choose to be Spiderman instead of Spiderwoman"

'I'm glad you figured it out Peter'

He smiled, genuinely for the first time in years but then it was gone lost in a sea of thoughts

"How do I tell May?"

'I can't tell you the answer to that, but If it would help I could always put together a list of ways other people have come out'

"Yeah that would help thanks Karen"


(1 month later) - 10th August

The bathroom door was locked, the house full of people and the opposite of quite.


"YEAH I'LL BE OUT IN A MINUTE" He called back, his voice to high for him to feel comfortable

His heart was pumping against his chest, making the ace bandages more uncomfortable, as the scissors lay against his long slightly curly hair. There was a video in front of him showing a person cutting their hair.

Peter let out a sigh before taking a shaking hand to the screen and rewinding the video to the start. Then he started. Carefully following the instructor's movements as he did.

There was a puddle of brown curly locks when he stopped, he stared at himself in the mirror and smiled. It was choppy at some places and was uneven but he finally looked like a man.

A giant smile stained his face but then he'd realise what he'd done and how many people were out there, he grabbed the beanie he always wore and tucked the strands of hair in so what he'd done was impossible to see.

he made hands sticky so he could easily pick up all the hair strands and threw them away in the tiny bin next to the sink, he gave himself another look over and unlocked the door, all of a sudden someone fell in, Peter assumed they were probably leaning on the handle when it was locked.

He took a look at the person and took a shocked step backwards

"Mr Stark?"

"Underoos?" he quickly leapt up from the floor "Happy birthday kid"

Peter it isWhere stories live. Discover now