It isn't gay to cheat on your man if it's with a demon

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Taehyung felt his heart sink, and he averted his eyes forward. He called him babe too. Taehyung thickly swallowed, now knowing what jealousy felt like. He nibbled on his bottom lip, deeply sighing because he now felt useless. He buried his face into his arms, wondering what the hell Jimin meant by plans. For them.

Jungkook stood in front of Jimin, leaning over the counter as the shorter sat on the bar chair. "Kookie, are we going out?" Jungkook bit his bottom lip and shook his head. "No, sorry, for how long do you want to stay..?" He asked, voice getting quieter with every word. "I originally planned to stay overnight, but it seems *someone* is here now, so I can't" Jimin said a bit venomously and rolled his eyes. "I'll leave today I guess" he clicked his tongue and huffed. "Jiminie, sorry" Jungkook apologized, taking Jimin's hands in his own. "Whatever, it doesn't matter" Jimin pulled his hands away and crossed them over his chest.

Taehyung deeply sighed, his eyes glossing over. It wasn't visible because he wore his sunglasses. He looked at the two before getting off his chair, walking towards the door. "I guess I'm really just a burden.. I'll leave.." He mumbled, before heading out the door, more tears starting to drip down his cheeks. He walked down the hallway, shakily sniffling and wiping his tears from his sun-kissed cheeks, hating to see that. He reminded himself again that he was just a seducing demon, nothing more. "I d-don't belong here.." He mumbled to himself.

Jungkook sucked in air through his teeth. He just wanted Jimin out of here, but the male was going to stay for the day, which pissed him off, to be honest, but he couldn't do anything about it. "Oh? He left? Oh, finally, so me and Yoongi just can't break up, but I'll be yours in no time, Kookie, we'll be perfect..." Jimin grinned and rubbed the back of his hand on Jungkook's cheek as he kept rambling on about it, but Jungkook got flooded with memories and zoned put completely.

But the male stood silently, not saying a thing. He and Jimin met long ago, even then he was in a pretty toxic relationship with Jimin. And he let the male use him for comfort like that, but then Jimin actually began liking him, which Jungkook didn't share, but he still pretended to like him, which now was difficult, it made Jungkook feel drained and tired, now he hated Jimin, but pretended not to. Quite exhausting.

"Wait, sorry, he left?" Jungkook interrupted as he came back to the real world, those words caused Jimin to frown and roll his eyes. "Yeah, who cares-" but before he could finish, Jungkook was out the door.

The tall male got out of the apartment and ran after Taehyung and sighed in relief when he saw the incubus in the hallway. He dashed up to the demon to pull him into a backhug against his chest, catching his breath in deep inhales. "Why'd you leave, TaeTae?" He looked down at the demon and leaned down to him, turning Taehyung by the shoulders to face him. Jungkook gasped and pulled Taehyung close to his chest as he saw tear stains on the smaller's cheeks. "TaeTae, why are you crying, dear?" He asked softly, caressing the back of Taehyung's hair gently

Taehyung was taken aback when he felt himself be pulled into a back hug. He still didn't take his sunglasses off, wiping his eyes from under them and crying into his sleeves. He looked back to Jungkook with his glowing pink eyes that were slightly visible through the dark lenses of the sunglasses, sniffling. He cried into Jungkook's chest, gripping onto his jacket. "I-I'm sorry that I'm a b-burden.." He softly whimpered, hiding his face shamefully.

He saw how Jimin was with him. He thought that Jungkook probably already had something going with him, but he still felt jealous and hurt. "I-I'm so s-..sorry.." He stuttered in a small voice, just wanting to shrivel up and die there. "Y-you probably already l-like him.." He mumbled. "I-I wanna go back.. where I b-..belong.. t-to p-purgatory.. or hell.."

Jungkook held Taehyung close to him, arms wrapped around his upper body and holding him gently. He pulled an arm away to tilt Taehyung's sunglasses and wipe his tears away gently.

"Shh, TaeTae, how can you say that? I just told you yesterday that you weren't, please don't say you're a burden, you know it isn't true" he comforted, patting Taehyung's back softly. "Tae, look, let me tell you a secret" he pulled away a little to kneel down in front of Taehyung for the demon to look down at him. "I don't like Jimin at all, I kind of hate him, in fact" he assured, taking Taehyung's hand to peck it gently before holding it firmly. "No, don't say that. Jimin will not be here anymore after today, okay? We'll never see him again and it'll be just us two, okay?" He smiled before tilting his head to peck the demon on the cheek affectionately and hugging his waist gently, rocking them side to side as he kept his head on the smaller's shoulder.

Taehyung looked slightly down at Jungkook as he spoke to him, sniffling again. He couldn't help but smile as Jungkook told him those reassuring words. He smiled a little bigger as Jungkook held his waist, and he nuzzled into his neck. "Y-you do..?" He stuttered, brightly smiling. "A-are you sure..? J-just us..?" He asked with a little head tilt.

Jungkook held the back of Taehyung's head, petting his hair gently as he nodded and pressed his forehead to the demon's, nuzzling them together. "Mhm~ just us" the human giggled. 

But then a figure, obviously mad, appeared in the hallway. "Jeon Jungkook. You and your housemate should come back inside." He said in a tense voice, on the edge of shouting, as Jungkook stood up with a sad sigh and held a hand out to Taehyung to help him up.

Taehyung nuzzled into Jungkook's touch as he pet his hair, and softly smiled again as they nuzzled their foreheads together. "That sounds nice.." He mumbled. His head snapped towards the new sound, and he looked at the figure who bothered them, huffing. He looked back to Jungkook, taking the edge of his glasses and teasingly pulling his sunglasses down at the speed of molasses. He grabbed onto Jungkook's big hand, looking back to the person in the hallway that seemed to be angered when they did nothing.

 He grabbed onto Jungkook's big hand, looking back to the person in the hallway that seemed to be angered when they did nothing

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