Demons will save you when Jesus can't

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Jungkook frowned and glanced at Taehyung apologetically before squeezing the demon's hand and walking back into the apartment, which was locked after Jimin

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Jungkook frowned and glanced at Taehyung apologetically before squeezing the demon's hand and walking back into the apartment, which was locked after Jimin. "We're gonna have a talk, Jungkook." He looked at Taehyung and smiled fake sweetly, voice going to a disgustingly sweet pitch. "Hope you don't mind" and grabbed Jungkook's free arm, making the taller let Taehyung's hand go, and walked to Jungkook's bedroom, closing the door afterward.

Jimin stood, weight on his hip and head tilted to the side with his back to the door, looking at Jungkook with knitted eyebrows. "What the fuck was that?"

Taehyung glared at Jimin, looking at Jungkook with a worried gaze. After the door closed, Taehyung headed over to Jungkook's room, very quietly stepping to the wall and listening in on their conversation. Taehyung was 95% sure Jimin's intentions were not good, and he was probably gonna talk bad about him. Taehyung really didn't like this Jimin character either, and he had just known that both his and Jungkook's feelings were mutual towards Jimin.

"Jimin, look-" Jungkook got cut off by Jimin's shouting "YOU 'KIND OF HATE ME' HUH? FUCKING DON'T YOU?" He yelled, a vein popping on his temple. "JUST THE TWO OF YOU?! OF COURSE HE ISN'T JUST A HOUSEMATE! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!-" Jungkook held Jimin's shoulder and cut him off softly, not wanting to set the ticking time bomb off. "Look, Jimin, I just needed to soothe him, okay? Taehyung... has... anxiety, okay? He had problems and I helped him get a place to stay-" Jimin pushed Jungkook's hand away and squinted his eyes. "I CALL BULLSHIT, YOU REALLY THINK I'LL BELIEVE THAT SHIT?! JUNGKOOK, WE AGREED TO DATE, WE AGREED THAT YOU LOVE ME, THAT WE'LL LIVE TOGETHER ONCE I RUN FROM YOONGI! WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS?!"

Jungkook sucked in air, which somehow felt way sharper to breathe, through his teeth, and yelled back. "I HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR YEARS, OKAY?! I WANTED TO HELP YOU BREAK IT OFF FROM AN ABUSIVE RELATIONSHIP, NOT GET US DATING, OKAY?! YOU FELL FOR ME, AND I PRETENDED JUST TO HELP YOU BREAK UP WITH YOONGI, I NEVER WANTED THIS" Jungkook had tears glistening in his eyes as he admitted the truth he had been holding to himself for all those years, even though he knew Jimin wouldn't take it well. The shorter one covered his mouth with his hands as his eyes widened, he froze up in shock as tears streamed down his cheeks. "J-Jungkook, no... y-you know you l-love me, o-okay..?" He stuttered, stepping close to the male and cupping his cheeks with both hands. Jungkook wanted to move away, how much he wanted to, but he was frozen in shock at the truth he just let splatter through his lips.

Taehyung heard the entire conversation, and he pulled away from the door a little because his hearing was a lot more sensitive and 10x better than the average human. He frowned, before taking a few steps back. He had just learned that Jungkook didn't have feelings for Jimin, and he was just being controlling. He wanted to walk in and tell Jimin what for, but he didn't want to because Jungkook might not want that.

Jungkook looked at Jimin through the tears and shook his head, putting his hands on Jimin's to put them away from his face. "No, I -don't love you" he muttered and looked down at their hands as Jimin intertwined their fingers. "You're lying to yourself, Kookie, you're confused, I'll help you this time" Jimin smirked and leaned in to Jungkook, crashing their lips together. Jungkook's eyes widened as he gently tried to pull Jimin away, but the smaller held his arms around the taller tightly and pulled both of them on the bed as he placed himself in the taller's lap. Jimin pulled away for breath and tugged at Jungkook's shirt. "We won't need this" Jimin giggled and took his shirt off, using the moment Jungkook was paralyzed from the shock and couldn't do anything. "Jimin, get off" he mumbled as Jimin took the taller's shirt off and lightly grinder against his hips "Nuh-uh, you'll enjoy it because you love me" he smirked and crashed their lips together roughly to let his hands wander around Jungkook's muscular body. But the taller groaned and tried to get Jimin's hands off. "No" he mumbled as he tried to pull away from the kiss. "Stop, I don't want to" he frowned, tears welling in his eyes as he held Jimin's forehead to keep his face away.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2020 ⏰

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