"Oh... I see..." She whispered to herself.

The music stopped.

"So that's what I have to do."

Jisoo went into the kitchen and took out a knife. She walked to her foster parent's bedroom. She opened the door and went inside. Inside her foster parents slept peacefully.

Jisoo raised the knife to her head and stabbed them many times. Her clothes were bloody, her face and the floor, and the bed were too. A psychopathic smile appeared on her lips.
Jisoo was walking on the driveway, the bloody knife still in her hand. Suddenly a car poured the dirty puddle of water onto her. The car stopped and a very young woman climbed out.

"I'm so sorry. Are you oka–" The woman saw how bloody Jisoo was and she crashed into the car door in fear. Jisoo killed her and the woman died.
The next morning Jisoo woke up to the sound of knocking on the car door. She grabbed the knife and opened the car door. An old man was standing outside of the car.

"Is somebody there?"

Jisoo climbed out of the car.

"Shut up." She says.

"Huh? A child? Are you alone? Or are you with your parents?"

Before she could kill him, the man said: "My name is Gong Yoo. Unfortunately, I'm blind, so I can't see what's going on."

Jisoo's stomach growled.

"Are you hungry?" Gong Yoo asked.
They arrived at a small chalet that was on the outskirts of the city.  The little house contained a bed, wardrobe, chest, table, and a chair.

"Here. You can sit down and eat." Gong Yoo gave Jisoo some bread and a glass of water. Jisoo grabbed the food and began to munch on it. Gong Yoo quietly watched her.

"What did you do out there? Nevermind, it doesn't matter. I'm sure you have a good reason. I'd you have nowhere to go, you can stay here as long as you want."

"Why? Why are you doing this?" Jisoo asked, hopeless.

"Because I'm lonely."

Jisoo looked at him in confusion.


"If you don't want to be here, feel free to go."

"I didn't say that..."
Jisoo couldn't sleep. Something was bothering her.

What's this weird calmness that I feel?

She sat up and stared at the bloody knife.

This is the easiest way to do it.

She went to Gong Yoo's bed.

To kill him, won't take away the calmness...

She left the house and roamed the city around.

"Hiccup... Damn..."

Suddenly a drunk man bumped into her.

"Oopss! Hehehe..."

Jisoo turned around and watched as the drunk man tried to walk. She took out the knife and attacked him. The man groaned, dropped his bottle of wine, and collapsed. A puddle of blood covered the pavement.

It doesn't help either... This feeling doesn't want to pass away...

She looked at the bloody knife.

I can't use this anymore. She threw it away.

She went back to the house and picked up the blanket from the couch.

"Where have you been?" Gong Yoo stepped out of his bedroom and walked to Jisoo. He touched her face then he raised his hand to smell it.


"I've killed a man. I've wanted to kill someone so I went and did it."

"I see." He stepped away from her.

"And what do you want to do now?" He asked. Gong Yoo grabbed his coat and put it on Jisoo. "You must be tired. Sleep a little." Then he went back to his bedroom.
Jisoo has woken up by the sound of the door. She saw as Gong Yoo leaves the house.
It was now midnight and Gong Yoo was nowhere. Jisoo worried that something happened to him.

Where did he go?

She saw a note on the table.

I went to buy delicious bread. Wait for me.

She picked it up and looked at it.

"I can't read, you dumbass." She threw it away.

The clock showed 9:10 am and Gong Yoo still hasn't come home.

"He's late... Where is he?"

12:10 am...

Jisoo was now beyond frustrated and anxious. She has thrown away the food, crashed the chests, and broke the shelves.

When she broke the chest a pocket knife landed on the floor. Jisoo picked it up and left the house.
Jisoo was walking down the driveway when she noticed a group of people was standing near the cliff, whispering something.

"Are you serious?"


"It's horrible..."

"Poor thing..."

Jisoo went near the cliff and saw five policemen and a dead body. It doesn't take a genius to know, that the dead body was Gong Yoo.
A man and woman were sitting near the fire, chilling out.

"That's all the old man had." He shoved the wallet to her girlfriend.

"It's just all pennies!" The girl said in a mocking tone.

"Fuck. We killed him for nothing." The man sighed.

"Huh?" They both looked up and saw a little girl standing in front of them.

"What the fuck are you watching, you brat?" The man stood up and poked her with Gong Yoo's stick.

"You are quite cheerful..." Jisoo says, her voice full of sarcasm. "And these cheerful people create the monsters."

"What the hell? Talk sensibly you little shit." The woman has worn a bored expression.

Jisoo raised the pocket knife at them. At that, they both fell in fear. Jisoo stabbed the man then she slowly walked to his girlfriend who was in shock and scared. With a scream, her life ended. Jisoo stabbed her until she got her revenge for him.

"And what do you want to do now?"

I want to kill every person who laughs like a jackal until they fall into despair!

That's right... I'm a monster!

She laughed madly.

Why did you have to die...?

Elyn: Aye! It's kinda sad don't you think? And a little bit psycho...(Alexa play Psycho by Red Velvet) Well, adios!

The girl in the house • ChaesooWhere stories live. Discover now