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"Hey uncle, we need to talk."
"Oh hey craigster, what's up?"
"You still have all of those cars right?"
"Yeah, why?"
"I'm gonna have to borrow one."
"Craig you're all the way in Colorado, I cant deliver it that far bud."
"I'm in Seattle."
His uncle sighed through the phone
"Ugh fine, but don't you dare do anything to my baby."
Craig hung up and stared at the wall in front of him as the music boomed in the back.
"Hey craigster, you okay?" Kenny peeked his head out the door before completely exiting and walking towards Craig.
Craig lifted his head to look at Kenny.
" Craig are you-" Kenny was cut off by Craig placing his lips on top of his own. Craig grabbed Kenny's waist, deepening the kiss. Kenny gripped Craig's shoulder for support. Craig pulled back, leaving the pair panting from the lack of air.
"I have to go back to Colorado, so I'm leaving tomorrow morning," Craig said, swiping his finger across the lighter in his pocket.
"Is everything okay? Are you going by yourself?" Kenny said, leaning up against the wall.
"Moms in the hospital, pretty sure it's because Thomas beat the shit out of her. But, I don't trust myself enough to drive back all alone so; you wanna come with?" Craig said, staring straight forward with a blank expression. His eyes swirled with all the words he didn't say and Kenny could tell it hurt him more than he let on.
"Yeah, okay, I'll go."
Kenny looked around amidst the silence, the beautiful neon lights of buildings lighting up his face, the bustling of the cars and buses rumbling all around, the occasion seagull flying free and weightless, passerby's chatting as they passed the building; it all felt like home. Kenny smiled and closed his eyes, the sounds somewhat amplifying.
Craig looked over, a soft expression flashing on his face as he stared at Kenny, feeling completely awestruck; he knew that Kenny loved the city more than anything; a beautiful place for a beautiful boy.
"Don't you want to spend your night in there? I mean, I wouldn't say it's exactly the most fun out here."
Kenny opened his eyes and turned to face Craig.
Kenny smiled softly, "I'm alright out here. But if you want some alone time, I can leave."
"No," Craig reached his hand out, resting it on Kenny's thigh, "company would be nice right now."
Kenny nodded, leaning his head over and resting it on craig's shoulder. "I have no clue what's going on, but you're strong so I know that you've got this."
Craig smiled, leaning down and planting a kiss on his forehead.
"Thank you, Ken."
Kenny nodded.
"Can I ask what happened or do you not want to talk about it?" Kenny asked, watching the cars drive past them.
"It was Thomas. He did something to my mom and now she's in the hospital." Craig said, his tone was bitter.
Kenny moved his hand to Craig's, giving his hand a reassuring squeeze.
"Hey are y'all coming back In or..?" Clyde's head popped out from the door.
Kenny looked at Craig- kenny looking back.
"Yeah, we'll go in, just give us another second." Craig said, his mind still lost in the city sounds.
Clyde nodded, closing the door.
Kenny looked down at Craig, and he couldn't help but notice how serene he looked. Kenny wanted to just forget for a night, but the image never left his mind.
He knew that going back would mean facing his father. He didn't want to go back but he knew he had to. His sister wasn't going to feed herself and he knew he'd have to go back to work.
Kenny shut his eyes, the images of his dad two years ago flashed in his mind. Clenching Craig's hand tighter.
"You alright, Kenny..?"
Kenny nodded. He didn't want to speak.
Craig looked around at the sky. His thumb running circles around Kenny's thumb.
Kenny looked at Craig and smiled.
Craig was truly a sight, he was breathtaking on so many levels.
Craig was the kind of guy where if you saw him, you unknowingly catch yourself glancing at him. There was just something about him- something so infatuating.
He was beautiful.

"why can't we get away from anything? why did we have to be the ones who came from such a small fucked up town." Kenny sighed, " I just want to be a normal teenager"
"I don't know, it fucking sucks though." Craig said, hanging is head.
"Do you want to go back in?" Craig asked, shifting from his spot. Kenny nodded.
Neither moved, not wanting to ruin the peace.
Kenny didn't really care to move. Craigs steady breathing and the bustle of cars was euphoric to him.
Kenny didn't get much peace. With working two jobs, taking care of his sister, and going to school, he had gotten familiar with the cold grasp of chaos.
"I lied, I don't want to go in but you go have fun. I'm enjoying myself." Kenny said, feeling Craig shifting.
"Are you sure ken?"
Kenny nodded, looking ahead at the blinking lights.
"I just want to distract myself so I'm gonna go in okay? But I can stay if you want."
Kenny shook his head.
Craig pushed off the ground, standing and adjusting his jacket.
Kenny closed his eyes as Craig's footsteps faded away.
The smell of the city air was a comforting scent for him. Kenny lived with his shoulders up and jaw clenched. Comfort was a rare thing for him, but the city was always his place. When things got rough at home, he would take his parents car and drive to feel the comfortable hug of the city.
Kenny stood, wanting to go inside before his mind wandered.
He knew Craig was on his mind next, and he didn't really want to think about him.
Kenny didn't deserve Craig, and he knew that.

Did it take me over a year only to pop out with 997 words? Yep. I'm sorry y'all😭 I wasn't gonna keep writing I was just gonna let it go but people kept adding it so I had to💔

 I'm sorry y'all😭 I wasn't gonna keep writing I was just gonna let it go but people kept adding it so I had to💔

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Meh who knows when I'll update again. Anyway, bye bye.

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