Part 12

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   So, one of my friends read this and got confused when I said that Citron's mom is a queen. I put this in because my theory for the third arc is that Io and Swordtail are going to somehow find out that they are related to Queen Monarch. Then, Io is going to become queen of the Silkwings. Io is also going to marry Cinnabar so Cinnabar is going to be a queen too. Sorry if I caused any confusion.

   It had been five days and now the two victims, Zephyr and Snowfox, had woken up. When they were asked about falling and becoming unconscious they said the exact same response as Citron did.

   Shortly after all of the teachers told the students to meet them in the main hallway to talk. Once all of the teachers and students were gathered into the hall Webs began to talk: "Well, students-" he began, by before he could finish they all heard a loud thud.

   The teachers immediately flew outside of the mountain to see what's the noise was from. As they got closer and closer they started hearing a dragon muttering.

   "Oh suck it up!" A dragonet murmured.

   "Ow, why did you touch it?!" A different dragonet yelled.

   "Be quiet!" Dragonet #1 commanded.

   But before they could continue arguing all of the teachers approached them.

   "What's going on here?" Professor Cobalt asked.

   "Nothing!" Dragonet #1 replied, "He's fine!

   "But Scorch, Dragonet #2 said, "It really hurts!"

   "Let me take a look," Juniper (the healing teacher) said.

   After dragonet #1 finally agreed to go inside they revealed their names. Dragonet #1's name turned out to be Scorch and dragonet #2's name turned out to be Magma. However, they, well Magma, revealed some information. This is what happened:

   "So now we go and kill everyone here?" Magma said casually.

   "No, of course not! Why would we ever do that?!" Scorch replied obviously trying to cover something up.

   "But you and your dad, Morrowseer, said that was the plan!" Magma stated.

   The teachers immediately got tense.

   "A- Alert the Dragonets," Professor Clever-Claws said panicked.

   Webs was sent to alert them while Professor Hawk and Drosera fought off Scorch who was viciously attacking them. The students were horrified and wondered what would happen next.

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