chapter 47

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Entah jam berapa sudah by the time kami settle down in our hotel room…. Saya so tipsy and giggling, the harmless wine boleh juga make me feel giddy abit… Branden is so turned on sudah, banyak lagi tu liquor dia minum yang one shot one shot saja…

Our wedding night…. Hmmm….

Saya walked up to the dressing table, berdepan dengan cermin… perlahan-lahan saya buka semua jewellery-jewellery saya… Branden berdiri di belakang saya… bertentang mata kami from the reflection of the dressing table mirror….

Branden buka his Rolex watch, then dia mau buka anting-anting diamond dia...
“Let it be…” I whispered…. “I like it…”

Saya angkat tangan saya, menatap jari manis saya yang bercincin kahwin... my gold wedding band…. I feel butterflies in my stomach…

I’m married, we are married…. 😍

Branden tunduk sambil menyaluk pocket baju dia... Dia mengeluarkan something from his pocket…

“Yours” he said…. I turned to look at him, dia menyarungkan my diamond ring di jari saya… the ring that he gave me when he proposed di White Room, and yang Ryan returned to him at the hospital... ugh…

Branden tunduk and kissed tangan saya... Aww!  I love… Berkobar-kobar jiwa saya nampak our cincin kahwin di jari dia... So sexy, saya suka lelaki yang sentiasa pakai wedding ring dorang…

Saya dropped pakaian saya to the floor, perlahan-lahan saya membuka Branden’s buttons… I kissed his neck sensually… bibir saya menurun ke dada dia sampai…. Ke pusat… Ehemmm, saya membuka seluar dia…. Aummm, my soldier’s so hard, this is mine, forever mine sudah...  saya melutut, my lips down there…. Mmmm… seterusnya, faham-fahamlah…

“Eve…” high sudah suara Branden… “love….”

“Mmmm…?” saja saya bersuara, I continue what I’m doing…

“Damn....” saya mendongak and memandang muka Branden, dia menggigit bibir  menahan frust…

His hands gripping my curls, dia mau tunduk to kiss me….

“No…” ahaa.. upgrade sudah bah skill saya… “stay like that…”

“Baby.… I can’t… I can’t…. AHHH!!” menahan gila sudah Branden…

“Come, baby, come now…” mmmm… puas hati saya, sambil saya senyum gete… hehehe 😏

Branden tunduk and angkat saya to the bed, King size gitu… berhabis dia kiss saya, mau go down on me lagi tu… but not yet Branden...

HAH, dia ingat yang dia kesyokkan kena project tu free-free…. You have explanations to pay for, baby….

“Eee.... no no no….” saya stop him… “You owe me an explanation...”

“After this…” masi rakus bibir dia menerkam saya, memuncung mulut saya macam itik mau merajuk... he looked up at me and akun kalah… hahaha…. “Okay lah, love… ask saja anything…”

Yes!! Wedding day kami bah ni.. tidak kan saya tidak boleh request explanation saja…

“I thought you left me sudah at the hospital…” saya bilang dengan muka yang trip merajuk… tsk tsk…

“I mau kasi release stress sekejap saja bah that...” Branden bilang… “benci I tinguk muka tu asshole…”

“But I tried to kejar you…” Saya teringat saya melompat dari katil hospital dan terjatuh….

I Love You As High As Airplanes Fly - The RemakeNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ