chapter 46

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Original Writer: Amanda Dulagan
Genre: Sabahan Slang Love Story
Category: Love Story, 🔞🔞🔞-read at your own risk...


And we made our debut entrance di hotel ballroom as husband and wife... ❤️

The night was awesome, superb! Malam ucap-ucapan… ada yang bikin sedih, bikin ketawa, bikin sayang… Malam penuh tangisan, ketawa, tepukan, sorakan… Malam penuh kebahagiaan… Malam penuh musical…

The night of our first dance as husband and wife… Enrique Iglesias & Whitney Houston 🎵Can I have this kiss forever🎵

Aha! Faham-fahamlah Branden and Eve kalau start dancing sudah memang memilih lagu yang sexy gila!. 🎶PARA SIEMPRE!!🎶

🎶 Could I hold you for a lifetime?
Could I look into your eyes?
Could I have this night to share this night together?
Could I hold you close beside me?
Could I hold you for all time?
Could I (could I) could I have this kiss forever?
Could I (could I), could I have this kiss forever? (forever) and ever 🎶

Wedding MC kami is JJ… hehehe... BFF saya and Branden... what more can we ask for kan?

“3 months ago, my wedding brought back 2 person who were always in love but were separated by time and situation… both of them attended my wedding as Exes... hahahaha... and now I am attending their wedding, they are husband and wife! congratulations Eve & Branden... bro, you are the man!” JJ laughed and we all laughed together….

“Cheers!” semua orang mengangkat gelas masing-masing… “And now… mungkin ramai kamu tidak tau sejarah Eve and Branden kan... biarlah menjadi sejarah…” hooo! mana boleh begitu orang bilang...

“Bah… Branden and Eve… saya tau kamurang memang kalau nampak mic kamu boleh telan saja tu mic… and today is the first time you guys will be singing as husband and wife… Mr & Mrs Branden Marc in da’ house!!”

Branden naik stage sambil pegang tangan saya, then dia ambil dua mic dari JJ…

Ah, Branden kau buat saya menangis… betul-betul tercair lah mascara saya ni…

Cantik the stage, background Gold & White... Ada piano!! My God… saya macam mau floating sudah to the piano… sempat Branden tangkap tangan saya sebelum saya mengkhayal menuju to the piano... hahahaha!

“But first… I would like to give a standing ovation to the most beautiful, most talented, most generous, kind hearted woman I have ever met in my life, you are one in a million, Eve Evangelista... to the most loving, patient, witty, smart and a woman whose sense of humor will always melt my heart, I pray to God everyday since the past 4 years? Yeah 4 years to lead me back to you... you are the angel that silenced my demons... and this is to forever... to my wife…” Branden lifted his glass to mine, cheers... the whole ballroom pun cheers lagi….

“Oh... sikit saya lupa… “ Branden bilang… “You ever asked me how much I love you…” dia melutut lagi!! AH! Basah sudah muka saya!

“Ini saya mau bagi soalan math dulu sama bini saya... lek kamurang ah…” Branden senyum-senyum... mabuk sudah ka kau ni, Branden? The night just started wei…

“How much money do I have?” Branden asked me sambil dia slowly berdiri…

“I don’t know, Branden…” hahahaha… semua orang ketawa… “Enough to marry me I guess?”

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