Ch.10 The Slian Soldiers

Start from the beginning

The hazily opened there eyes, seeing a little blonde toddler pouting. He had big blue eyes and little whiskers on his cheeks.

"Naruto? What happened?" Iruka asked him. Mitsuki clicked his tongue.

"You'll never believe what I found! Look! look!" Naruto said holding up a baby Fox. It was small and cute just like Naruto and it had red eyes. Mitsuki rolled his eyes and tried to turn over but his wound hurt when did.

"Isn't it cute! Isn't it!" He said shoving the fox closer to his face. Iruka smiled.

"Yes, yes it is, not as adorable as you, but close." He said patting the little blondes head. Naruto was happy but looked over at Mitsuki because he didn't say anything. The blonde started to frown.

"It's very cute Naruto. Right Mitsuki?" Iruka looked over and glared at him. Mitsuki ignored him and tried to go back to sleep. "Right Mitsuki?" He said again in a more stern voice.

Mitsuki sighed and rolled his eyes. "Yeah, yeah. Sure brat, it's cute." Naruto smiled and hugged Mitsuki.

"I know right! I haven't even got to the best part yet!" He jumped up and down.

"What is it?" Iruka asked.

"I turned into a fox too! See!" Before they could ask the blonde boy focused really hard and with a sudden poof of air he turned into a little fox. He still had his bright blue eyes and his little whiskers, but instead of white tips on his feet and tail, it was black. Iruka was proud and clapped for Naruto.

"Wow Naruto! You learned how to change forms!" He praised. Naruto suddenly changed back, loosing balance and stumbling back and grinned. Mitsuki clicked his tongue.


The two men were sitting down like any other day. Unable to move stuck in the one place until there wounds could heal, which did not seem to happen. They just bared through the pain and it always seems to get more numb each day.

'The sun is shining, it always does.' Iruka thought staring up at the sky through the spaces between the branches and leaves. He turned to his blue haired friend with a question in mind. "How long has it been?"

Mitsuki stayed quiet for a moment and turned the pages of his book. "If I remember, it's been about 12 years, 67 days and 13 hours." Iruka raised his eye brow in surprise.

"Only twelve? It's feels more then that." Mitsuki only hummed and continued to read.

"Do you think they'll find us?" Iruka stared at the leaves and how the light shines through them. How they easily fall with a single gust of wind. Mitsuki flipped the pegs and nodded his head.


"I wonder what's taking so long?" The leaf broke off of the branch landing directly on his forehead. He picked it up and the one leaf became two. "Something probably happened." He answered.

Iruka let the leaves get picked up by the wind and rest his had by his side. Right away his eyes focused on the bit of bandage sticking out from his shirt. Iruka covered the hole in his shirt that exposed his bandages with his hand and looked over to Mitsuki. "Mitsuki you know we're....our wounds aren't healing."

"I'm surprised you just noticed." He said gliding his eye across each line of text.

"Yeah, well it's not that I didn't notice, I just didn't want to-." Iruka stopes himself, he wasn't to much of the straight forward type , but when the time came to it, he had to step up. This probably wasn't one of those times but the question ran through this head over and over again since the day they arrived.

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