I closed my eyes and after a few minutes he whispered, "did you like it when I made you sleep?" I thought for a bit and I nodded. He pushed himself into me more and whispered, "I'll be there any time you need me, for whatever you need or want, y/n. I'll protect you. I'll make you sleep, I'll make you happy, I'll be your pet snake, I'll be your friend, your lover, your protector anything, as long as you love me." I sighed and I almost told him I was a strong independent woman so didn't need protecting. But I closed my mouth again. Maybe it would be nice for my sensitive side of me to be coddled, I supposed. If he was going to insist on acting like (and kind of being) my savior and protector, i guess I could let him. I laughed as I processed his last few words. I held his hands then I shifted my position and laid on my side so I could look at him. "Ok, you can be my pet snake." I whispered, as I smiled. He nodded and I said quickly "but don't go overboard like you did last time, please?" He nodded sharply and said resolutely, "yes, I don't plan on losing you because of my foolishness and recklessness because I value you." I sighed and my mind drifted to Hisoka. Did he value me, they way he was treating me? I shook my head and I realized that's Illumi was choosing his words very carefully to try to get me compare him to Hisoka. I frowned. "Stop that, Lumi." He said innocently, "stop what, y/n?" I narrowed my eyes and I said, "stop manipulating me, trying to get me to compare your behavior to Hisoka's, you're choosing your words very carefully, you shrewd manipulator." Hisoka was many things but he wasn't manipulative. He was blatantly honest about being a whimsical liar, fickle schemer, and a sadomasochist whose main goal in life was to seek out strong opponents to fight and take me along with him wherever he went. Illumi stayed silent and his face betrayed no emotion. He whispered, "I always choose my words carefully, my flower. Rarely do I speak before I think. If this is considered manipulation, then I could be accused of manipulating you any time I speak. Is that what you believe about me, that I would do that?" I narrowed my eyes at him trying to figure him out. His expression gave absolutely nothing away so I pinched his arm lightly as I smirked, "you're dangerous, Illumi Zoldyck. What a dangerous man you are. It seems I have a tendency to surround myself with dangerous men. This can't be healthy!" I laughed and at my own comment and illumi smiled slightly  and said "it would seem so my flower". I winked at him and I rolled off the bed and I figured I'd head back to the penthouse. After all, I had to finish teaching Tsukishima and finish the mission. I decided taking a shower with him around was a recipe for a hot and sweaty  disaster so I used the bathroom and washed up quickly. When I re-emerged he was fully clothed and I said to Illumi as I threw him my underwear and put my pants back on, "I'm doing a mission for Kaito so I'm gonna leave now. I'm sure you've got business to attend to as well. I had a really great time with you last night, Illu-"I glanced back at him and his face fell. He tucked my underwear into the front of his underwear and frowned at me. I stopped talking and he got off the bed and hugged me tightly. I breathed in his scent and wrapped my arms around his neck. he rested his chin on my shoulder and he massaged the small of my back with his fingers. I giggled as I squirmed under his touch. He tightened his hold on me and said, " you're quite ticklish, my y/n, I love it." I laughed and he threw me into the bed. I looked over st him and he stalked toward me like was ready to pounce on me. I quickly rolled off it before he could try anything and I grabbed my phone.
Hisoka had text me late last night, "am out. Will see you soon Luv~". At least he had said something this time. I looked around and realized I didn't have much else to take, save for the bag I had bought. We ate and drank just about everything so I grabbed the bottles of nail polish and pads, and threw them in my bag. I used my phone to do a map quest thingy on how to get back to the penthouse. Illumi said quickly, "let me walk you out, where are we going?" I wondered whether or not I should let him come. It was about a 45 minute walk on the way there... I decided against it. The last thing I needed to do was explain to Hisoka why Illuni was with me. Plus, I could only handle so much Illumi in one day. I didn't like not being able to see what he was thinking, like I usually could with Hisoka, and Illumi's perfect hair made me a little jealous too. "No, Illu- it's ok I'll be fine." He bristled and said, "I'm coming with you, and I would prefer if you didn't call me that." I went over to him and silently and motioned for him to sit down do I could redo it before we left. As I massaged his scalp with my fingers I said, "I guess you can come. But why can't I call you Illu? You didn't care when I nicknamed you Lumi." He sat quietly and ignored me. I sighed and I decided I wouldn't push it. He was trying to respect my boundaries so I'd respect his too. So, started to rebraid his hair and I whispered, "that's ok. I won't call you that." He nodded and said politely , "thank you my flower." I smiled and finished doing his hair. When I was done I pat his head to signal I was finished. I jumped out from behind him and I looked at him from the front and his hair and I said proudly, "ta-da! Behold, my masterpiece. Illumi you look so good! Ugh you're frustratingly handsome!" I gawked at his elegant and slender, yet muscular build and coupled with his hair braided behind his back, with a few loose strands brushing his forehead. He watched me as I took in his features snd I realized his eyes were following my every move. I felt like he was analyzing me and I smiled at him and put my hand on my hip, "Like what you see, Illumi?" I joked. He stared at me with no emotion showing right now, and whispered, "yes my flower your taste i-". I blushed and interjected, "stop talking about my taste, ok? let's not make this any harder for me to restrain myself ok?" He breathed, "restrain yourself? Around me?" I grimaced and wished I hadn't said that. I scratched my head awkwardly and I said, "I've already done enough to Hisoka, Illumi, I'm trying to keep the affair activity to a maximum of zero from now on." Illumi crossed his arms and said seriously, "you've done enough to him? Y/n don't think I didn't notice all those bite marks all over you.Was that sometime you liked, did you ask for that? You've done enough to him..." I blushed and looked up at the ceiling questioning what to do or say. I just opted with the truth, "I let him do it because he wanted to, he said he wanted to taste my blood and I could've been worse, I'm happy that he's happy. He was gentle too." Illumi mumbled something inaudible and came towards me, and wrapped his arms around me. He whispered, "you could still marry me, and divorce him, if you wanted. I learned my lesson and I will never make the same mistake of hurting you twice, my flower. I would never hurt you." I grimaced. If he was willing to put his pin in his brother and thought that was wasn't hurting him, then wasn't really sure what he'd do to me and not consider it 'hurting'. I hugged Illumi back but I said, "Illumi,you're forgetting that I'm in love with Hisoka, that he was my best friend for years after my parents were killed. I've loved him for years and this is just how he is. I still love him no matter what snd I made a promise to him that I want to, and fully intend to keep. He just gets hard to deal with sometimes." Illumi nodded and said, " the offer still stands. We could have children of our own." I pulled out of the hug and sat on the edge of the bed. I looked at him seriously and I said, "it wouldn't  be the best thing for you to become a father. I don't want to overstep my bounds but..." I trailed off. I wanted to mention Killua and how he treated him during the Hunter Exam. Illumi was overprotective to a point that he was hurting Killua, stifling his growth, and holding him back because he loved him too much. I could only imagine what he'd do with kids of his own. I laughed and I looked up at him, "neither you or Hisoka are fit to be fathers and I don't know why that's all either of you can talk about, is this like a man thing, or like a normal topic for relationships? Well, it most likely is. But still, Illumi we're not really in a relationship, so I don't want to hear talk about you wanting to impregnate me, or taste me or marry me, or... any of that stuff, if you can help it, ok?" He frowned and cocked his head at me curiously. His braid fell over his shoulder and he nodded while observing me. He closed his eyes and held his hand out and said, "very well my flower. I will respect your boundaries." I winced, reminded of how Hisoka wasn't #1 in the boundary- respecting department. Just because I loved him to a fault didn't mean I should let him treat me like this.

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