vii. Inter-House Sleepover

Start from the beginning

There was a short silence.

"Why are you all still sitting? Get started,"

And so the class did as they were told - a cacophonous rumble of stools scratching against the stone floor as everyone began to stand, flipping open their books to the page written on Snape's board, whilst also starting to gather the ingredients.

"Don't worry, Ron," said Maddie. "I am a Potions Master,"

He laughed. "I think Lockhart's stories are more believable than that,"

The brunette grinned. She liked this new Ron - the one who spoke to her. The one who actually had a sense of humour. He was cool.

"Thing is, I don't even need to make this bloody 'Confusing Concoction'." Maddie said, reading the instructions. "Because I'm already confused,"

"Yeah, yeah, okay, you're a comedic genius," said Ron. "But right now I need you to get some Lovage,"

"Aye aye, captain,"

"Or is that too confusing for you?"

"I think I can manage that, thank you, Ronald,"

And so, the two got to work - finally working as a pair rather than two people being forced to sit together. Even Harry and Jess were surprised to see the two (or rather, Ron) getting on without having to roll their eyes and sulk. A huge change, to usual, no doubt.

But, even if they were actually getting along, unfortunately they were still unsuccessful in brewing their potion. They couldn't quite get the thickness of the mixture that the book had stated was essential, and so Snape had classed it as a failure. Surprise, surprise.

Maddie didn't care, though. She'd made a friend - that, in her opinion, outweighed any failure that occurred during Potions.

The following weekend had been the very first trip to Hogsmeade - and it was everything Maddie had wanted it to be, and more. The welcoming atmosphere of the snowy village pulled her in immediately, as the soft bustle of wizards and witches wrapped in their thick layered clothes scattered around the streets. The shops were snug and homely, places like Honeydukes giving out free samples of their new fudge, and the Three Broomsticks filled to the brim with excited students picking up glasses or bottles of Butterbeer to refuel before beginning again on their shopping spree.

Maddie adored every little thing about Hogsmeade, and had spent the day wandering with wide, bright eyes that flashed towards any minor detail she found pretty, or interesting. Like the perfectly organised display of Chocolate Frogs in the window of Honeydukes, or the vibrant green plants presenting the shop named Dogweed and Deathcap.

She was in extremely high spirits as she headed back to Hogwarts with her two best friends - already eager for the next trip.

It was Halloween - the Great Hall was decorated with hundreds of candle-filled pumpkins, a cloud of fluttering live bats (which Maddie was not a fan of), as well as many flaming orange streamers, swimming idly across the starry ceiling hanging over the four house tables topped with delicious food.

"Maddie easy on the marshmallows," Jake had said, as he watched the girl carelessly stuff her face.

"I can handle it," she replied confidently, through a mouthful.

She couldn't handle it.

Maddie felt incredibly nauseous, and did not hesitate to announce this to her friends and anyone else she spoke to as they walked back to their common room after the feast. Of course, the amount of food she'd eaten on top of the sweets she'd bought at Hogsmeade was never bound to agree with each other in the depths of her stomach. She was reminded of something that should be common sense to her, by now - always listen to Jake.

CANDY! ✯ RON WEASLEYWhere stories live. Discover now