chapter one - kitty onigiri

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Closing her closet door, the petite girl quietly walked out from her bedroom and towards the kitchen. The smell of her mom's cooking already filling the area. The said woman was currently setting down different side dishes, along with what looked like some kinda soup.

"Morning, mama!" The short girl cheerfully greeted.

As soon as the woman heard the sound of her daughter's voice, she spun around with a bright smile and shimmering green eyes. The woman brought her hands to wipe them off on the apron tied around her waist. Gently pushing a stray lock of blond hair from her own face, walking closer, before gently grabbing the girl by her shoulders and taking in her appearance. 

"Oh my, Kimi! You look so cu...te..." half way through the word, the woman's bright expression slowly fell.

Large crocodile tears began to form, before falling down her cheeks like a waterfall. A pathetic wale left her, as she brought her sweat dropping daughter into a bone crushing hug.

"Waaaa My Baby!" the woman cried, shaking the girl back and forth in her hold. "Mommy's so sowwy! Mommy didn't mean it!" The woman took a deep breath before speaking softly, "Mama thinks you look really a... aw... awfu- WAAAAH I CAN'T DO IT!!"

Her mother had always had quite the dramatic, cutesy personality...

The girl had to admit, she took a lot after mother... Well maybe not quite the dramatics, Kimi was pretty sure if she did get her mothers dramatic personality she would have gotten her ass beat way before middle school.. 

Instead the girl was a healthy middle of her dramatic mother and monotone father. But definitely the love of all things cute came from her mama. The woman loved cute things just at much, if not even more than her. And had a cutesy appearance and personality to match, something her daughter matched to a T. Though past all of that, Kimi's mother was still an extremely respectable and kind hearted woman. Even if she came off a bit air-headed at times.

Her mother was also the one person in the world that truly understood the dark haired girl more than anyone else. Which was why the woman was so hell bent on following the young girl's wish to keep her love of cute things stored away this year. And feeling so awful when she messed up.

She understood what her daughter was going through, seeing how she went through quite a similar situation. She still had the marks from cigarette burns all over her torso to prove it. Yet still, after that the woman continued to be herself, unapologetically. Though the girl couldn't say she was strong enough to do the same, Kimi just wasn't...

That brave.

Even before she was attacked, Kimi knew what people said about her mother. Labeled as a fake. An attention seeker. An overgrown child. Meaning all the awful thing people said and thought about her would never change if she continued on the way she has been. But...

Was it really so awful to enjoy cute things?

Well, perhaps it wasn't just that in itself... Maybe it was just the extent of love they had for said things. The Ishikawa family was practically engraved in cute, stamped with cute, and then tied together with a cute bow.

The young girls mother continued to blabber out apology after apology, along with what seemed to be just complete incoherent nonsense. It was way too early for all of this, Kimi would end up being completely exhausted before she even got to school if things kept going at this rate. Though the amount of love the young girl held for her mother made it difficult to be too annoyed with the dramatic woman's antics. 

Adorably Two-Faced (yandere reverse harem)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz