"At least try to keep up with me." I called back to him, smugly. I've discovered the easiest way to piss him off is to belittle him or wound his honor. It was just too easy. I was going to make him regret courting me. And forcing me to wear a stupid dress. That's right my jeans were burned and I was stuck wearing horrible dresses I couldn't even take off without help. But I had already ordered fifteen pairs of jeans and they were arriving tomorrow. So Drake could suck it up and deal with it.

"Aspen, we have discussed this once before. I am to take the lead when we go riding, it is for your protection." Drake sighed, speaking to me as though I were a child . But since he had the bigger horse he easily maneuvered until he was leading. I sulked atop my horse and glared at his shoulders. "I will cut you." I threatened angrily, whilst tugging my dress back down.

"Are you carrying weapons again? It is not proper for you to conceal weapons, you have guards for your protection. I will have Clarice take them from you later." Mr. High and Mighty didn't even sound concerned about my threat. So I pulled out a small throwing knife and tossed it at him, it skimmed through the air and sliced a small cut through his upper arm. "Gave you fair warning." I grumbled, but of course it was too late. He pulled his horse to a stop and I didn't stand a chance. My dress skirts were tangling my legs and I couldn't jump off my horse, so when Drake plucked me off my mare I couldn't even process it. Not until I was slung across his lap like a damn blanket. I was a freaking queen and I had just been plucked off of my horse and thrown across some jerk's lap like some damsel that was just saved. So being that I was stuck in this position I did the only thing possible, I bit him. As in I sunk my teeth into his thigh and didn't let go. He grunted in pain and I felt one of his hands fist the material of my blasted dress. "If I were you I would stop that right now." Drake's voice was strained and tense, I immediately released his flesh and froze.

I was getting nauseous from the horizontal swinging and the stallions rough steps. I may be a queen now but I was still myself and that meant I was about as unqueenly as possible. On the outskirts of my castle there were manicured woods for horse rides. So that meant if I could throw myself from the saddle and rip the bottom of my skirts off I had a chance of running from my advisor. It would at least be fun if not successful. "Hope this is ladylike enough for you." I laughed before sending my elbow into his ribs and sliding off of the stallions back my feet hit the ground painfully and I darted off of the path and into the trees, tearing my dress along the way. "Aspen! It isn't safe for you to run off on your own, I demand you come back." He called after me, and it wasn't long before I heard him thundering after me.

"Keep trying douche nozzle, I won the competition doing this!" I mocked, as my hair lashed out behind me like a banner.

"Must you always play games? I'm becoming quite bored with your childish nature."

"Well excuse me for trying to make my own decisions, Dad."

"I am your advisor not your father, although it would be inappropriate for me to see you in this state as either. You have ruined your dress and I can see your dinosaur undergarments."

"I'm still prettier than you though, so just deal with it." I was almost to my castle walls an he was gaining on me. I was small enough to bolt past my subjects and into my courtyard with little difficulty. "You're my advisor, not my owner!" I panted out as I shot Drake a smirk over my shoulder. I then proceeded to bolt inside the castle and push past bustling servants (who were now being paid for their labor) which all jumped out of my way.


"It's Queen Aspen to you!"

"Clarice please calm her so that we may partake in a civilized conversation."

Kill Me (Unknown Succubus Series book 1)Where stories live. Discover now