A Certain Fiasco Unfolds

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"Daichi? Where are we going?" "Are we there yet?" "How much longer?" "I need the bathroom!" These were all questions that plagued the red bus as they traversed the hilly landscape. And sadly, it was the driver, the captain of the Karasuno volleyball team, that had to deal with these very pressing questions. Daichi usually was able to put up with the antics of Nishinoya, Tanaka, Hinata, and Kageyama, but a whole busload of troublemakers gave him a pounding headache.  

Daichi pulled over and stood up in front of the four teams, a very dark aura coming off of him. The whole bus shut up in an instant. "We are going to Miyagi's new ice skating rink next to their new gym as well. We'll be there in fifteen minutes. There is a bathroom there. Now PLEASE sit down and mind. your. buisness." He sat back down, and sighed, then continued on the journey.

Meanwhile, in the Shiratorizawa bus, things were almost the same. Semi had also been chosen to fill in the unfortunate job of the driver. Goshiki wanted to use this time to learn from the ace himself, however, Ushijima was fast asleep. Shirabu didn't give a damn about what was going on and plugged in his headphones.  Yamagata and Kwanishi were having a conversation like normal human beings. Ohira was stuck next to Tendou, who, at this moment, was provoking the pinch server. '"Semi Semi~" Tendou called out, "how much longer? or are we going to let the Tokyo bus decide the time we get there?" "Shut up Tendou" the setter replied back, fixing his gaze on the middle blocker. Semi sighed. This was going to be a lot more taxing than the 100 jump serves coach Washijou made them do. 

The two buses pulled into the new Miyagi skating rink and the teams congregated in the inside lobby. It was basically empty. 

"Hi! I'm sorry we are closed to visitors-" the front desk lady started, but she was cut off by Kuroo. "It's ok! There's no one here. Besides, it's our break. I hope you can let this slide for today." He replied, flashing her his most dazzling smile. 

Now, we don't know what made her cave in but it could be because of the fact that 50 very tall and very buff boys were staring down at her, but who knows? "Ok" she squeaked "skates are that way" her voice got softer as she ran to who knows where. Kuroo spun back to the group, smiling. 

"Well, we have the place basically to ourselves! The place is usually packed, but with much difficulty, I somehow got the staff to not let anyone else in, which is weird cause they never do that. Now, what do you say?" Kuroo said, smirking

"Thank you" the teams responded, but Kuroo clicked his young, obviously not satisfied.

"Thank you who?" He said. 

"We are NOT saying senpai, thank you very much" Oikawa huffed, crossing his arms while turning away. This got many nods from the five teams. Kuroo sulked, clinging to Kenma. "Kenma! Why does this happen to me?" 

"Maybe because people here are older than you. And it makes me feel all sorts of unpleasant sensations." Kenma replied not looking up from his Animal Crossing game once. With that, the teams filed into the skate fitting area to get ready for their time on the ice.

Unbeknownst to most of the teams, one very tall, silver-haired Russian boy knew why no one was allowed in. During the drive there, he had gotten a message:


11:45 AM

From: I prefer Makkachin over this cousin

Viktor: Hi Lev~ 

Lev: Hi Viktor! How are you?

 Viktor: Good good. Didn't you go to Miyagi today?

Lev: Yeah, why?

Viktor: Oh! Didn't you hear about the new skating rink that opened there? Yuri, a few friends, and yours truly are going to check that place out! I reserved it for 12 today. You can come if you want~

Lev: Oh. 

Lev put down his phone and looked out the window, his heart pounding. You see, Viktor was planning on having a whole Grand Prix gathering where the Grand Prix skaters could skate around and have fun. As they are professionals, they liked their privacy to skate without any public opinion. And now, two busloads of very rowdy volleyball players were on their way to possibly crash this "party." 

When they went in, Lev was quite relieved to see it empty, but he checked the clock. It was 12:30. He only had 30 minutes to do something before who knows what will erupt between the skaters and volleyball players.  He thought hard, and a few moments later, his eyes lit up. 

Everyone was having a grand time putting on their skates and getting on the ice, Hanamaki pulling out his speaker and played Winter Flower by Younha (please give this a listen! It's very beautiful~) as the boys skated around. Or at least tried to skate. Most of them were hanging on to the wall and tried to "skate" around the rink, but they were making slow progress. A few of the boys, including Tendou and Tsukishima, were gliding somewhat gracefully across the ice but were far from perfect. To be honest, they could be monsters on the court, but on the ice, they were like little chicks.  In any given point in time, you could bet on half of the boys landing face flat on the ice. Lev looked at the time, 11:50. 

It was time to execute the plan. 

Tears started welling in his eyes (he's a great fake cryer) He held his "cut" on his finger gingerly as he flopped onto the ice. "My finger! It hurts! It burns!" He wailed. 

"WHAT?!" came the chorused shouts of Yaku, Hinata, and the rest of Nekoma, some adding a "what now" amongst the concerned cries. They all crowded around him, consoling him. 

"Are you ok?" "What did you do to yourself?" "Where's the wound?" the boys huddled around Lev, helping him stand and getting him off the ice.  They sat him down on a bench just off of the rink and began to pester him to show his wound. 

"It's so bad- I think we need to got to the hospital!" He whined.

"Did you cut off your finger?" 

"Are you losing blood?" 

"What happened to you?"
"You clumsy asshole!" 

"The wound is here" He said in a quiet voice, revealing a tiny paper cut on his finger.

"LEV HAIBA!!!!" They all yelled, and started berating him. He started apologizing, but Lev tuned them all out as he noticed a certain silver haired male entering the rink, accompanied by a grumpy hooded teenager and a Japanese man eating a pork cutlet bowl.

The silver haired male stared with wide eyes at the volleyball boys, "What the-!" 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2020 ⏰

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