Chapter 5 - Betrayal

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Wendy's POV

"What the heck!" I shouted at them and now tears are falling on my eyes.

Robbie and Tambry were surprised. Really surprised.

"Wendy I can explain." He said calmly which is the opposite of what I feel. I'm messed up. I feel betrayed. It was just so treacherous.

"Say no more! Robbie I loved you. I cared about you. I've been loyal to you and I mean I really like a guy which is smart and kind but I didn't betray you. But you! You did the opposite. Y-you kissed someone behind my back and it's not just someone, it's my best friend!" I exploded while hiccuping and I just can't stop crying.

"Wend-" Tambry said softly and she is really worried. Hell yeah she would.

"No Tambry! You were supposed to be my friend. I can't believe you would do this to me." I exploded my emotions at them. I just didn't expect this.

"We were just-" I cutted Robbie's words. He might use stupid words to get out of trouble. As if.

"No we're done Robbie. We're through!" I blurted out.


"Goodbye." And that's it. It's over and you know what? I'm glad that it is done. I knew he was trouble in the first place and Dipper knew it. I was so blind.

I should have listened to Dipper's warnings about how bad Robbie is. I'm such a jerk for not listening to a genius like him. He always knew something was up and I'm so blind because I didn't saw it. But the question is, what is this something? What is the explanation on why would he do such a thing. Betraying me?

I walked out from Robbie's backyard back to my house. I went to my room to think things.

Good thing my dad isn't here. He'll definitely will be worried and maybe he might even punch Robbie in his face.

If he was seeing my best friend and stabbing my back, he shouldn't be that obvious. I mean, they were kissing at Robbie's backyard. Gee, make out somewhere else, somewhere they will not get caught. And since they are caught, they just broke my fragile heart.

And there's also one thing that boogles my mind though. Why was he so protective of our relationship when he did something that made our relationship broke apart. And by that I mean protective from Dipper.

It doesn't make sense.

But if you think about it, Robbie isn't really worth crying for. He isn't worth my tears. I just knew he'll do something real bad but I'm just so pathetic of thinking that he is the one. When we met, I didn't care about his looks or the way he acts, it didn't matter but now it did. He never changed because he still acts the same but only worse. Betraying me was the worst thing he had ever done.

But I guess that doesn't bother right now. All that I should be thinking now is my mystery hunt with Dipper. I was really expecting a date but hey, trying something new is a start. Dipper was really something.

I closed my eyes and sighed. I'm really tired. I should take a nap and so I did.

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