Skip With Me

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A week later:

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A week later:

The bell rang for last block and I was taking my time getting to drama class. As I reached the art hall I stopped in my tracks.

'Do I really wanna go in there?'

At the other end of the hall was a door that led outside. I took time to weigh my choices. I could skip and just go home, but it's raining and I forgot a jacket. But I don't want to stay here and see Gauge or Angel.

I shifted my weight from one leg to the other, I'll get in trouble if I skip but im already late. Maybe tomorrow I'll just say I felt sick? Yeah thats it. I began walking down the hall to the door.

"Hey dumbass, you skippin?"

A familiar raspy voice asked from behind me. I turned to look at Gauge, he was lighting a cigarette.

I chuckled a little bit. Why was he even talking to me?

"Is something funny to you killer?" He grinned as he exhaled smoke.

"Your witch bitch girlfriend doesn't want me talking to you. So dont bother." I told him as I clenched my fists in frustration. Vicky will break my jaw if she saw us talking.

"Listen, are you skipping or not?" He said annoyance seeping into his voice.

"Why the fuck do you care?" I asked feeling defensive.

Gauge started walking towards me now. My hands started to sweat and I shifted my weight nervously. He finally reached me and just stared at me.

I was about to speak but was cut off. "If you're gonna skip ill do it with you," He said "it's raining so we'll have to stay in the school though." He ran his hand through his black curly hair.

My face started to heat up "I'll skip" I muttered.

Gauge said a simple "follow me" and he led me to the empty gym and up into the second story seats, where you could watch the gym from above.

After we both sat down, and a few minutes of silence Gauge turned to me "I heard what happened to you."

I stayed silent, not knowing what to say.

"Vicky is a bitch, but shes my bitch." He took another hit and exhaled the smoke above his head then looked at me "don't take her so seriously okay?"

My eye twitched "your kidding me right?" I hissed "have you not seen me limping for the past fucking week?"

"She really didn't mean it lil-"

Standing abruptly I pulled up my dress so he could see the bruises on my body. Ignoring the flushed look on his face I pointed to the black and blue marks on my pale skin.

"Do you seriously think that this is nothing?!" I roared, letting my dress fall back down "How could you defend her?!" I said pushing him as salty tears fell from my eyes.

Gauge looked at me with shock and a hint of sadness, and his head dropped so he wasn't looking at me.

Gauges POV:

I hung my head in shame, and guilt. Even though I didn't mark her skin with those bruises, I felt responsible for them.

The cigarette in my mouth hung limp on my lip "I didn't realize that she did this much." I murmured.

"But you knew she hurt me a little bit? You disgust me." She cried harder.

Fuck. I felt horrible. I quickly put out my cigarette. I didn't know what to say, so I just watched as heavy tears streamed down her round face. I didn't want to wipe her tears out of fear of making her angrier.

"Please don't cry lil," I softly said "Im sorry." I rested my hand on he shoulder.

Lilliths crying slowly stopped as she tried to catch her breath.

"Im sorry Lillith." I repeated. "Can I help?"

She shook her head slowly "I don't want help from you. Vicky would beat me up again if she even saw us talking, I should just leave." She stood and started walking away.

I grabbed her wrist "don't leave," I asked her "talk to me."

Lillith turned to look at me, her green eyes were red and puffy "I don't want to talk."

"I don't care. Just tell me what shes done to you please." I pressed.

Anger flashed in her eyes "you know, for the one whose been defending her toxic behaviour, you sure want to know all about what shes done to me." She growled

Guilt and frustration itched at me "Im just trying to fucking help you lil." I ran my hand through my hair and sat down.

"How could you help me when you've hurt me." She said, her eyebrows furrowed.

I stood to face her "I swear I won't hurt you again." I promised.

"We'll see," Lillith said plainly.

Still feeling guilty about her pain I softly asked "Can I see the bruises again."

Her face saddened and she nodded as she lifted her pale pink dress. Her skin was littered with purple and blue spots, and under the bruises I saw three scars on her stomach. I grimaced at the sight of such abuse, and shook my head slightly at the sight.

"Fuck." I whispered angrily. I gently touched one of her bruises, she winced in pain. "Sorry," I said looking up at her frowning face. I touched her skin again and felt her shiver, her face was flushed pink and she looked away from me.

I smirked up at her. Then looked back at her black and blue body. I sighed sadly, "I cant believe they did this to you Lil."

She pulled her dress back down and played with the lace on it. "Im used to it." She looked down at her bruised legs.

"You shouldn't be" I said.
The bell rang for the end of school and we both stood to leave swiftly so we wouldn't get caught skipping. We said goodbye and were on our ways home.

Im sorry for this one taking a while, I made it a bit longer because of it! Also thank you so much for 1k views!!!! Ahhhh thats insane honestly!! I really enjoyed this chapter I hope you guys do too!!💞😊💞💖

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