I decide to walk away from Rafe instead of dealing with any crap to come. he can go take his anger out on someone else, my mood wasn't going to be ruined by it. if Sarah wanted me to rebound then hell, I'd find a rebound.

after a few laps of walking around the party, I start talking to a small group of guys, each of whom seemed to be either drunk or high. maybe even both knowing the type of people who party on this side of the island. it had only been a matter of minutes before one of the guys asks,  "so you just got out of a relationship didn't you?"

"yeah, two days free. why do you ask?" even though I know the reason, I still raise an eyebrow and smile. tall, blond hair, and he was decently built. this could prove to be worth my time at the party after all.

"well, I just wanted to make sure before I asked if you wanted to get out of here?" the confidence radiating from him was almost sickening, but the idea of having fun peaks my interest. "we could go to my place and-"

"Oh hey Lyvia, I've been looking all over for you." I feel Rafe's arm snake around my waist and immediately the guy in front me gulps. why am I not surprised? "hey man, how are you enjoying the party?"

"I'm sure he was loving the party, Rafey boy. he would probably be enjoying it a little more if he wasn't interrupted." I retort while carefully watching the other guy's reaction as Rafe sizes him up. part of me would like to be entertained by a fight but not when it's over me, or because of some testosterone bullshit. "well, while it's been fun watching you two mentally measure your dicks, I'm gonna go now."

as I'm walking away, I can hear the guy tell Rafe, "I'm sorry, I forgot she was your girl."

an hour had passed before someone had finally come home to the the Cameron's. I couldn't tell if it was Sarah or Rafe but the footsteps were getting closer to Rafe's bedroom, so I made an educated guess. as soon as the door opens and Rafe walks through, I sigh and stand up. "well, I think I'm going to head out."

"Lyv, please don't leave." Rafe says under his breath before reaching for my hand. "just stay with me tonight."

"you can't do this, Rafe. you can't act like you own me to every other guy anymore." I snap, pulling my hand away from him. the action makes him flinch, and a part of me feels sorry, but then again he did cockblock me. "I'm not Rafe Cameron's girl, and I never have been"

with that I walk out the door and shut it behind me. for a minute I consider going to Sarah's room but then I hear Topper's voice and walk past. I guess it was time for me to go home for the first time in a couple days then.


when I walk through the front door, my nose crinkles at the smell of vomit and I suddenly regret my decision. "mom?" I call out, walking into the living room. by the coffee table I could see the puddle of puke, and an empty pill bottle. before I venture up the stairs, I pull out my phone and start dialing the first number that comes to my mind.

"Lyvia?" Rafe answers in a groggy voice. "Are you okay?"

"I think my mom took a bunch of pills and got sick. I'm scared to even go upstairs because I don't know what I'll find." I explain while starting to shake. the idea of becoming an orphan crosses my mind, and nausea washes over me.

"I'm on my way."

waiting for Rafe felt like hours passing by, but since we were so close it really was just a few minute. surely because he drove way too fast, but I was thankful nonetheless. I open the door as soon as I see the headlights pulling into the driveway. Rafe doesn't say anything as he kisses me on the forehead and walks past me to go up the stairs. as I sit on the front steps, the image of my dad flashes through my head, making the night so much worse.

when my dad died, my mom went down the drain. sure, it sucked to lose him, but almost immediately I had to start taking care of my mom. so I shoved my feelings down to focus on her feelings.

"she was asleep in the bathroom, I went ahead and put her in the bed and cleaned up the puke in the living room for you." Rafe says as he walks outside and sits down next to me. he reaches his hand out and takes mine, stroking the top of it with his thumb. I sigh in relief and try to let the stress out of my shoulders. "are you okay?"

"no. I will be, but just not tonight." the slight confession makes Rafe squeeze my hand, and it brought a little more comfort. "will you stay with me tonight? I'm still pissed at you but... please?"

"of course, Lyv. you know I'll do anything for you."

We both head upstairs, and his words replay in my head over and over. it seems so extreme, but not out of character for him. the idea of him being that devoted terrified me and made me a little more concerned about what was happening to our friendship. when the whole thing about me being "his girl" started, we had laughed it off and made it a joke. nowadays, it's like Rafe takes it seriously, and of course so does every other guy in outer banks.

after I comb my hair and brush my teeth, I return to the room to find Rafe already stretched out on the chair in the corner of the room. as I slip under the covers, I feel him watching me and am suddenly aware of this being the first time a boy has actually been in my room. but it was Rafe, and I trusted him more than anyone.

"what are you doing? come over here." I murmur while extending my hand towards him sleepily. he raises an eyebrow in confusion, but I just motion to the bed. "you won't sleep good in the chair, and the bed is big enough for the both of us."

"okay. but don't even think about tempting me, Lyvia." he jokes and wags his finger at me before climbing into the bed. I reach my hand out and place it flat on his chest for comfort. his skin feels like it's radiating more heat than a normal person, causing me to smile slightly. "I'm serious, no teasing or even messing around."

"scared you won't be able to resist, Rafey boy?"

"no, I can resist, because when it happens," he scoots closer to me so I can see his face clearly, "I want you to want it as badly as I do."

well call me a kook and fuck me sideways, that was hot.


safe haven - jj maybank / rafe cameron Where stories live. Discover now