Chapter 4

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Y/n took a deep breath as she looked herself again at the mirror. She remembered Hyunwoo telling her to dress up nicely, so that Seokwoo would notice.

She went out of the bedroom and looked at Seokwoo who's playing with his phone. Probably, texting. Y/n ignored him and went towards the door.

She opened it and made a loud sound, hoping that Seokwoo would notice. "When will you be back?" Y/n looked at Seokwoo and noticed him still focusing on his phone.

"I'll be back late." Seokwoo grinned. "Great." Y/n scoffed as she got out of the house. To make it obvious, Hyunwoo told her that he will pick her up in front of her apartment.

Y/n noticed Hyunwoo waving his hand as she went towards his car. She got inside as Hyunwoo suddenly pecked her cheeks, making her eyes widened.

"What do you think you're doing?" Hyunwoo shrugged as he pointed to a random guy. "That's not your boyfriend?" Y/n shook her head.

"I thought that he's your boyfriend. If I did this, maybe it'll end earlier than I thought." Y/n rolled her eyes. "Let's go." Hyunwoo shook his head as he reached for her seatbelt and put it on for her.

"Now, let's go." Hyunwoo said as he put on his seatbelt. Hyunwoo gripped on the steering wheel as he started to drive. "How long does this takes usually?"

Hyunwoo shrugged. "Depends on how obvious we are. Or depends on the guy. If the guy doesn't even notice for three months, I recommend them to breakup right away. It's no use for this to keep on going if he doesn't even care."

Y/n nodded her head. "How long do you think it takes?" Hyunwoo asked. Y/n stared blankly outsideand shrugged. "Maybe a few weeks. He seems to care about me still."

Hyunwoo nodded his head. "At least, he still cares. It's not too late to ask him about the truth." Y/n shook her head. "I've asked him before and his answers gave it all."

Hyunwoo chuckled. "He avoided the topic isn't it?" Y/n nodded her head making Hyunwoo laughed. "So predictable."

"Why did you do this? I mean why are you working at the agency? There are many other jobs you can do." Hyunwoo's face turned serious.

"As much as how we're supposed to look close, I like to put a line between me and the client. It's called privacy and I hope you won't cross it."

Y/n nodded her head as they arrived at the cafe. "I'm a regular at this cafe." Y/n said as Hyunwoo nodded his head. "I know. I thought they will notice that you came with me instead of your boyfriend."

Y/n raised an eyebrow. "Have you been stalking me?" Hyunwoo shrugged and grinned.

"For research purposes."

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