Part III: Evil Food Eater Conchita

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Baby Banica: *bites Carlos' finger* 

Toddler Carlos: "Aaah! Ouch! OUCH, Banica!!  OOOOOWWWWWWWW!!! Banica, that really hurt!!" 

Baby Banica: *laughs* 

Toddler Carlos: "Banica bit my finger!" 


Pollo: "What are you eating?" 

Banica: "The succulent baemu pig. Want a bite?" 

Pollo: "Sure." 

Banica: *bites Pollo's arm* 

Pollo: "AAAAAAAA-!" 


Arte: "You ever play that game when your siblings are put some spoons in the freezer, take them out, then you hit 'em with it so it rips their skin off?" 

Carlos: "What the fuck?!" 


Arte: *jumps out* "RAWR!!" 

Pollo: "AAAAAAAAAA!!! Stop! I could've dropped my croissant!" 

Arte: XD 


Carlos: "You shouldn't use a straw." 

Banica: "I know. It's bad for the environment, or whatever." 

Carlos: "No, it's just a really weird way to eat spaghetti." 

Banica: *slurps spaghetti through straw* 


Pollo: "I accidentally ate Lady Banica's sandwich. How long do you think I'll have to live?"

Arte: "Ten."

Pollo: "Ten what?"

Arte: "Nine."


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