still in my bed room

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me and raven walk into my bed room i close my bed room door we put all my stuff down i put amelia down on my bed then i take her out then i put her on my bed then i put her carseat on my floor on the left side then i unpack her dipare bag i put her stuff up in her closet nd stuff then me and raven put up all my stuff i got at the mall today we keep going and going nd going and going and going and going and going and going and going then 49 minutes later we get done then raven leaves she says bye to me then she gose to say bye to ameila then she walks to my bed room door then she opens my bed room door she walks out she walks down the stairs she opens the door she closes it then she walks to her car she gets her keys out

me and raven walk into my bed room i close my bed room door we put all my stuff down i put amelia down on my bed then i take her out then i put her on my bed then i put her carseat on my floor on the left side then i unpack her dipare bag i put he...

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