pulling up to bajah house

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raven pulls up to bajah house raven honks the horn bajah comes out her house she locks her door she walks to raven car she opens the back door she gets in she closes the door she buckles up raven pulls away from bajah house raven drives and drives 47 minutes later raven drives onto the high way she drives nd drives then she takes the exit to the mall me raven where are we raven we going to shop at the mall west end me ok raven yea me thats my fave mall to shop at raven ok raven drives and drives raven wait where the mall at i put the adress of the mall in raven gps then raven dose what her gps says

raven pulls up to bajah house raven honks the horn bajah comes out her house she locks her door she walks to raven car she opens the back door she gets in she closes the door she buckles up raven pulls away from bajah house raven drives and drives...

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