Chapter 1

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"Oh my, is he hot or nah?!" Heather squeals when she saw Ash walking across the field. It's a new year, we're inviting new people in to the team again.

I am currently in for football training, planned some stupid bonding games for them.

"He is so cute. And I heard his full name isn't Ash Parker, he's so full of mystery." She continues to blab about him.

"Heather. You have a boyfriend... Trevor." Olivia reminded her.

"Oh right." Heather mutters, her eyes widened when she realizes.

"Trevor! I LOVE YOU!" She stood up, shouting all the way across the field where Trevor is.

He looks back at her, "what?!" He shouted back.

"Sit down!" Olivia and I pull her back down on the bench.

"Oh look Fawn is back." I noticed as she strut across the track towards her boyfriend in the soccer team.

"Did you know her boyfriend is a boxer?" Heather says.

"So whoever scolds her, the boyfriend is gonna get them. But if it's a girl who offends her, he will find their boyfriends or brothers."

"What if the person doesn't have brothers?" I ask.

"Then the person is gonna be tortured to hell." Heather responded.

"Evans, on field now!" Coach shouted.

"Gotta go." I grab my helmet and put it on.


Hey Evans." Owen approached after his basketball training is over. "What do you want?"

"I know you still love basketball, and girls have been allowed into the team since you raised it up last year."

"I love sports, Collin. Really do not care about which sports I play." I stated.

"Have a great day." I smiled at him and left.

"How was practice?" Peter ask when I got to my bike.

"Great. Ash joined the football team, everyone is happy because he is an amazing player." I reply in a monotone voice.

"You don't seem happy about it." Peter mutters.

"I am just really tired." I stated, watching Ash leaving the field.

"Let's go home then, Ava came back home this morning and I heard she is cooking her famous spaghetti with meatballs."


"Ugh, you smell like the smell of your socks that haven't been washed in a week." Ava says to Peter when we got parked our vehicles in the garage.

"Where's Mom and Dad?" Peter ask, as we walk out of the garage.

"I don't know, they have been arguing in the room and i have been cleaning the garage." Ava simply shrugs.

"What are they arguing about?" I ask as we walk to the back door of the house.

"I have no idea." Ava mutters.

I open the door and a sharp object went across my face.

"What the fuck?!" I look at my parents.

"Kids please leave." Dad says sternly.

"Are you okay?" Peter look at my face, "fine. Just lucky that it never went into my eye." I say, my heart pounding against my chest.

"Please go live at The Parker's for a few days."

"Why would w-"

"Just leave!" Mom screams at us, cutting Ava off.

I immediately shut the door, "your cheek is bleeding." Peter points out.

"Then let me bleed to death." I say sarcastically.

"Where is The Parker's house..?" Peter raises his eyebrows.

I sit on the bench with confusion as I continue to hear clashes of plates and screaming inside the house.

"How about we just go there for a night? Then we will see what we do in the morning." Ava suggested.

"Okay." I simply agree.

"But we have to stop by the gas station to get Peter cleaned up because The Parker's house are classy as fuck." Ava says.


"I feel underdressed just by standing outside of their house." I mumbled, looking at their mansion.

"Imagine when we go inside," Peter says, pressing the doorbell.

"How did you know where The Parker's lived?" I ask Ava.

"Well, I am a people person." She smiles.

"We need a bandaid on your face." Peter says.

The gates open up and we walked behind Ava.

"Listen to me, Drew. Don't date Ash." Peter says in a low tone.

"Why not?"

"Well, he's a bad boy and a player. You tell me." He retorted to my question.

"Whatever, I am not looking for another relationship or whatever anyway." I roll my eyes.

"That's what everyone say and they always end up dating someone after that."

"Okay, let me ask you... Why are you avoiding Olivia?" I look up at him.


"Yeah erh..." I roll my eyes at him and step into the house.

"Damn, his house is classy." I murmured.

"Just listen to me ok. Don't date him. I rather prefer you with Owen or get back to Nathan... Or Owen."

"Why are you my brother?"

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