Domestic Collection (Part 2) (Fem Reader)

Start from the beginning

Without delaying another moment, she turned around and began making her way towards the beach that was next to the resort. Her mind was racing with possibilities of what she was walking into, 'maybe he has something planned for dinner? Or maybe he just wants to go swimming? The sunset is beautiful at the moment, maybe he wants to watch it?' Very little time passed before she could see the rock perch in the distance, her eyes squinting to try and decipher what was there, "are those...candles?" Subconsciously picking up her pace, she felt her knees go weak when she could actually see the display. There kneeled Shoto, surrounded by lit candles in the shape of a heart. In his hands, a velvet box with a diamond ring.

She managed to walk over to him, her hands clasped over her mouth as tears welled in her (E/C) eyes. Shoto sent her a nervous smile before coughing weakly, preparing himself for what was about to happen, "(Y/N), I love you. I love everything about you. From your beautiful, captivating eyes, to your strong passion to protect others. You provided me a safe space away from my father and mind for years now, and..." he got choked up on his words, tears forming in his eyes as well. Although he couldn't see it, (Y/N) was smiling brightly behind her hands. A sob tumbled out and Shoto panicked for a split second before he realized how happy she looked. He took a deep breath and continued, "and I want you to be by my side for the rest of my life. With that being said, if you'll have me, will you marry me?" His final word barely had time to leave his mouth before the (H/C) had tackled him into a hug, the two falling over. Shoto quickly activated his right side, seeing as how she accidentally sent them hurtling towards some of the candles. She buried her face in the crook of his neck, nuzzling it with her nose, "of course I'll marry you! I love you!" she sobbed. He smiled and raised his left hand, stroking the back of her head, "I'm glad. I love you too, so much."

Bringing Mizuki Home for the First Time:

(Y/N) was not permitted to leave the hospital for three days after giving birth to her daughter. Shoto had to finish some last minute paperwork before his parental leave, so he would spend the mornings at his office and would come back to the hospital some time after lunch. Their daughter did not do much during the day; she would sleep in (Y/N)'s arms, and drink the milk she required to survive. Other than that, all she did was cry when she needed something, or perform normal, bodily functions (A.K.A dirty her diapers). After those three, long days were over, the new parents were in their car heading home. Shoto was driving while (Y/N) sat in the backseat, Mizuki was in a carrier next to her mother.

Once at their comforting home, the dual-haired man got out of the car and opened the backseat door for his wife and daughter, helping her out before grabbing the baby's carrier. He carefully carried her to the front door while (Y/N) unlocked it, stepping inside and remaining to the side to allow the others inside. She shut the door behind her and felt a rush of emotions overwhelm her. Her (E/C) eyes filled with tears as she stood beside her husband, resting her head on his shoulder, "welcome home, Mizuki." He smiled and nodded, planting a kiss on his wife's head, "I hope you enjoy living with us. We will do our best to be the best parents ever." For the first time, the couple heard their daughter giggle, and although it was faint, they smiled even brighter than ever. "Sho, let's show her the nursery!" (Y/N) exclaimed, gently taking the carrier from his hands and placing it on the floor. Bending down, she unbuckled Mizuki and held her in her arms, following behind her husband.

Within no time at all, the three were outside the nursery. Shoto turned around, gently placing his right hand on his daughter's head, stroking the small patch of white hair she had. He didn't trust himself to touch her with his left hand; not yet anyways. "Now sweetheart, this is your nursery. This is where you'll be sleeping until you get old enough for your bedroom," he explained, chuckling when he saw her (E/C) eyes widen. With one last glance at his wife, he turned around and opened the door, holding it for his favourite girls in the world. (Y/N) stepped inside, gently rocking Mizuki as she walked around the room. The (H/C) began pointing out different pieces of furniture and softly explaining what they were for, not knowing Shoto was watching her with the largest, dopiest smile he had ever made, 'I love them both so much. I can't wait to live happily with both of you. Our family is perfect...'

Being Alone with Mizuki for the First Time:

Overwhelmed. Shoto felt overwhelmed. Despite being on maternity leave, (Y/N) was called into her agency to deal with some last minute issues.

'She got off the phone with a sigh, looking at Shoto with an apologetic glance, "that was Makoto. She told me there's something wrong at the agency that apparently only I can deal with. I have to go in..." Despite feeling nervous, he nodded and sauntered over to his wife, kissing her cheek, "I can handle Mizuki until you get back, do not worry. I'm sure everything will be fine." The (H/C) nodded and hugged her husband, deeply sighing before pulling away, "thank you, Sho. There's some milk bottles prepared in the fridge, you just need to warm them up before she drinks them. She should be waking up soon. I need to get going, I love you." "I love you too, stay safe," he declared, watching as his wife left their home.'

Not even five minutes after (Y/N) left, Mizuki began crying. Shoto's heart pounded as he walked towards the nursery, going to get his daughter. He knew he was more than capable of taking care of her, but he still felt like he was going to mess something up. He never had the best examples of being a parent while growing up, so it was all still new to him. His wife assured him many times they would figure things out together, but considering she wasn't home at the moment, he felt lost. Although, he knew he had to snap out of his; Mizuku needed him.

He entered the room and walked over to the crib, gently picking her up and holding her in his arms. He began gently rocking her as he took small steps around the room, humming in an attempt to calm her down, "good morning, my angel. Did you sleep well?" he asked, despite knowing he wouldn't receive a proper response. She continued to cry and he felt panicked when he couldn't figure out what he needed to do. Suddenly, an idea popped in his head, "you must be hungry. Come on, Mizuki. I'll get you some food." He slowly walked to the kitchen with his daughter in his arms, rocking her gently when he stood in front of the fridge. He opened it and reached inside, grabbing one of the few bottles already prepped. Using his left hand, he activated his quirk to heat up its contents instead of the machine, moving to test it on his wrist. Shoto quickly realized he couldn't reach his wrist without dropping Mizuki, so he instead splashed it on his cheek. After deeming it safe, he began feeding his daughter, stroking the little amount of hair she had.

Once she was done eating, he placed the bottle in the sink and raised her, patting her back and trying to get her to burp. However, he got more than he intended. His baby spit up on his shoulder, the spit up sliding down his shirt in the process. He groaned internally but smiled at his daughter, grabbing a paper towel and gently wiping her mouth and chin. Ignoring the disgusting vomit on his back, he carried her back to the nursery, sitting down in the rocking chair next to her crib. He decided to read to her, reaching over and grabbing a large book of fairy tales that (Y/N) had bought before giving birth. Shoto spent the next few hours reading fable after fable, making his daughter giggle and smile with every paragraph.

Around lunch time, the (H/C) finally returned home. "Sho?" she called out, not getting a response. The house was quiet. Too quiet. Deciding to investigate, she left her bag at the door and began walking throughout the home, checking every room for her husband and daughter. When she did find them, a wide smile graced her lips. Shoto was fast asleep on the rocking chair, Mizuki peacefully napping in his arms. She walked over to the closet and pulled out a blanket, covering the two carefully before noticing the, now dried, spit up on his shirt, "he's gonna be so annoyed when he wakes up..."

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