2. Straight Face

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Heyyyyyy Please enjoy the second😁😍 chapter of xxfalling!!! I write this portion before I start the actual story so I don't know how long this chapter will take... :( Chapter one took me 2 days of working till 3am and nonstop all day but I don't think I can keep that up. Throughout the story I switch perspectives between the characters to give it more of a different feel. Please comments on any grammar or spelling errors so I can fix them!!! Don't forget to vote for xxfalling(only if you liked iit please don't feel obligated to) and follow me tioom_cutie!!! 😍😘😘😋 Also this chapter is shown on my page for the published xxfalling even though it is just a Draft, Can you guys tell me how to fix that so it isn't shown till i'm fully done and content with the chapter? You would be my own personal LIFESAVER if you did that for me<3



I am frantic while waiting for my father to get home, especially because I haven't seen him in over a month. I pace back and forth, back and forth trying to calm myself. I eventually gave up and start to write yet another colllege acceptance letter...

Nobody really knows how thier life will turn out or how it will end. Some people grow up wanting to be an astronaut and others want to be doctors. Then in the end they end up being a veterinarian or a librarian or something way different from their childhood dream...

No, that's not at all good enough. At this rate I'll never be excepted in to freaking Harvard, And even if I am it will be when I'm Thirty. ughhhhhh just let me finish this. Just as I'm about to start yet again I hear the garage door open, signaling that my dad is home. Before Callie (My dads 'bearable' Fiancé) can yell for me, I'm downstairs eager to see my dad. I know that I'll have to tell him my secret but I can't right now, it will definitly ruin the mood. He walks in, kisses his Wife and then looks at me up and down, wondering what to say.

'Lauren, You seem to have grown nearly a foot tall since the last time I saw you' He says, nervously shifting from foot to foot. From a young age my dad was never really there, at home anyway. When he left my mom and I, I coped without him, adapting to the new enviroment. Remember the 'Freshman Food Frenzy'? That was the day my dad came back. I had already had a Horrible day and him being there had made it even worse.
That's the first time I noticed that when my dad was anywhere remotely near me, he was nervous. Now it is more subtle, but still noticeable.

I smile at him, knowing that it puts him at ease. 'Hi dad how was your trip? Are they considering you for the job?'

His eyes get damp, and guilt overcomes his face, looking at me once more before saying,

'They thought I was perfect for the position, and I'll start in two months after I finish the appropriate training...' He pauses for second while fiddiling with his watch. He's nervous.'We'll have to move closer to the main office...'

No! He cannot mean we are moving...

'You don't mean in New York right? I'll still go to Ocean View?'

'That's what I was meaning to talk to you about...'

' We know that you aren't having that great of a time at high school, with your only friend being Anna Bella and all, we thought it would be easier for you to maybe be a bit more uhm- normal'

I freeze knowing what he means. I can't move! I won't!

'NO' ' THE HELL I WILL! I'M NOT LEAVING', I turn away, as tears stream down my face. I grab the keys to our Pruis and storm out the door.

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