Chapter 5

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Violet tapped the steering wheel of her Range Rover impatiently while she waited for the pesky traffic lights to go green. She kept glancing over to the brunette beside her who was trying to remain calm.

The couple finally made it to the hospital and since Clem's water broke, they were taken in quickly.

The doctor explained to them that he had to do something called a 'pelvic examination' to check the baby was in the correct position for it to be born. He said the baby was 'rump ended' and Violet had no idea if that was good or not, but she hoped Clementine did.

Clementine was then given a needle to her back so she could no longer walk as she laid in the hospital bed hooked up to various machines.

Violet held her wife's hand as the contractions began getting closer together and more intense.

"V-Vi, I ca-can't do it." The brunette strained. "D-don't make-"

"Clem, it's okay. I'm right here, you're so strong and so brave, I love you so much. You've got this, soon you'll have a mini Clementine in your arms." Violet said, hoping to comfort Clementine a little.

"W-where's Sophie?"

"She's on her way with Louis now. Lee and Carley are already in the waiting room." Violet explained, Clementine seemed to relax, but almost instantly had another contraction.

A nurse came to check her dilation, explaining that the brunette needed to be 10cm dilated before she could start pushing but wasn't quite there yet.

At long last, Sophie appeared through the door, running up to Clementine's side.

"I'm so sorry I couldn't get here sooner, me and Louis were going to the beach before the weather starts getting colder." The redhead panted. Violet nodded in understanding and Clementine didn't show much of a reaction.

Violet kissed Clem's sweaty forehead, rubbing the back of her hand comfortingly. Sophie couldn't help but smile as Violet kept whispering encouraging words to the already exhausted brunette.

"Alright, get ready do push!" Said the nurse.

*One hour later*

Crying filled the room, Clementine leaned back onto the pillow for a moment as nurses began to push on her stomach.

"Oh my god, Clem, she's perfect." Violet said as she watched the doctor walk over to Clem with the baby.

The baby was put on Clem's chest, she couldn't help but smile before her child was taken away to be cleaned.

As the doctor stitched the brunette up, Sophie left to tell the rest of their family that the baby had been born. Violet looked to her wife, sweat dripped down her face, she breathed deeply and her eyes were closed but Violet knew she was awake.

"You did it, Clem. I knew you could." She beamed, wiping Clementine's forehead.

After the baby was cleaned, she was given to Violet who carefully carried her over to Clem. The blonde studied her daughter's features, her small rosy cheeks, little button nose, soft, tiny hands and short brown hair.

Violet got lost in her own world as she admired the child that peacefully slept in her arms. That was until Clementine was about to be moved out of the delivery room.


Violet sat at the edge of Clementine's hospital bed, careful of all the wires as she couldn't wipe the smile off her face. Clem held the baby, gently rocking her with a small smile.

"I love her." The brunette mumbled.

Violet put her hand on Clem's arm as they both looked at their small child. "She's absolutely perfect. But she needs a name." The blonde replied.

Clementine looked off into the distance in thought before a smile spread on her face. "Diana. Diana Sophie Adlon."

"A perfect name for a perfect girl."

The couple sat in silence for a moment. They had convinced Louis and Sophie to go to the beach so they could get there for sunset and Lee and Carley had gone home to AJ who was at his friend, Tenn's, house while the baby was being born, the teen was devastated he didn't get to meet his new niece but by the time Tenn's parents got home, it was too late to drop him off to the hospital.

"Vi, I'm hungry. Could you get me something to eat please?" Clem asked, Violet nodded.

"I'll go see what I can get, then I'll be right back. I love you." The blonde said, kissing her wife on the head. She then gently gave her daughter a kiss on the head, too. "And I love you."

Violet left the room with a smile, almost skipping down the corridor before she saw someone out of the corner of her eye. She had to do a double take, completely shocked when the redhead noticed her and waved.

"Violet! What a surprise! We just keep bumping into each other, don't we? How are you?" Minerva beamed.

"Wha-Uh, I'm good. What are...what are you doing here?" Violet stuttered, taken back by the redhead's presence.

"Oh, right. You don't know since you had to 'work' before I could tell you." She replied, using air quotes when she said 'work'. "Well, I came here to get an ultrasound."

Violet froze. She didn't expect that at all, Minerva had been on the pill for as long as she could remember. She didn't sleep with a lot of guys anyway.

"Yep, I'm having a baby. I'm twelve weeks pregnant today." Minerva cheered.

Before Violet could react further, a guy wearing an orange beanie walked up from behind Minerva, slipping his hand around her waist and kissing her cheek.

"You ready to go, honey?" He asked. Violet stood frozen to the spot, mouth agape, unable to form words.

Minerva nodded, winking at Violet as she said goodbye and left. Violet finally came to her senses and quickly grabbed food for Clementine and rushed back into the room she was patiently waiting in. 

As soon as Violet opened the door, Clementine knew something was wrong. "What happened? You look like you've seen a ghost."

Violet handed Clem the food and sighed, rubbing her fingers through her blonde locks as she assessed the situation in her mind before telling the brunette exactly what happened.

After Violet stopped speaking, Clementine had a frown on her face. "Minerva, pregnant? And in a relationship? Something's off, I know it. She's up to something and whatever it is; I have a feeling I'm not going to like it."

"Maybe she's actually grown up though."

Clementine laughed at the blonde, Diana stirred and the duo instantly fell silent, sighing when she relaxed back into her mother's chest.

"Vi, be serious. It's Minerva, of course she hasn't grown up." Clem whispered.

Violet looked at Diana's sleeping form, smiling for a split second. "Let's stop talking about her. You must be exhausted, Clem. Why don't you get some sleep? I'll look after Di."

Clem smiled with a nod, handing Diana to Violet as she yawned. The blonde gently rocked the baby as Clementine tried her best to get as comfortable as possible on the hospital bed. The last thing she saw before falling asleep was Violet, sat beside her, one arm supporting the small child and the other one wrapped around Clem, quietly singing to their daughter.


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