Chapter 3

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Violet sighed, she hated leaving her wife alone, but she had to go to work so she could support her family.

Once she parked outside the small pub, she sent a quick text to Clementine.

Vi: {I promise I'll come back as soon as my shift is over, I love you loads.}

Clemmy: {Take your time, I love you more <3}

The blonde grinned as she walked through the door, not noticing someone stood in front of her as she bumped into them.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry, I wasn't-" She began, but stopped dead in her tracks when she saw who she had ran into.

"Violet?" The woman said in disbelief. "What are you doing here?"

"I-I work here." Violet stuttered.

The redhead wrapped her arms around Violet who tensed up. Not wanting to be rude, she awkwardly hugged the girl back.

"I can't believe it's you! How long has it been, two years?"

"Five, actually." Violet replied. "What are you doing here Minerva?"

"Well, I was just visiting Sophie and came here for a drink. Did you know she got engaged?" Minerva explained happily.

Violet sighed. "Yeah, they told me and Clem a couple days ago."

Minerva furrowed her brows slightly at the mention of the brunette. "So, how is Clem?" She asked forcibly.

A smile made its way onto Violet's face. "She's great, her pregnancy is going surprisingly well."

"P-pregnancy? She's pregnant?"

"Yep, we finally did it. We're going to be parents. I can't wait to start a family and raise our child with her." Violet answered, hoping Minerva got the hint after what happened the last time they saw each other.

Minerva was visibly agitated but played it off with a fake smile. "That's great." She said. "I'm sure you'll be a fantastic mum, Vi. You were always so great with Tenn when he was younger." She added, moving her hands onto the blonde's upper arms.

Violet nodded uncomfortably. "Thanks. Sorry to cut this short, Minerva, but I have to work."

"Oh, don't be silly, we just started talking! I'm sure your boss won't mind you taking a minute to catch up with an old friend." Minerva said, emphasising the word 'friend' as she slid her hands down Violet's arms and held her wrists.

Violet got more uncomfortable and tried to pull away, but Minerva held her firmly. "I really need to work, Minnie. I'm already late."

Minerva scoffed, throwing Violet's arms down. "I see. I was just hoping I could spend time with you, hopefully share the good news I have."

The blonde's curiosity spiked up, what news could Minerva possibly have? But as she looked at the redhead, her freckled cheeks, green eyes and chiseled jaw, she remembered all the trouble the girl had caused and walked away without saying a word.


Clementine cursed under her breath when she opened the freezer and took out a pot of ice cream, getting excited just to find it was empty.

"Who the fuck puts an empty tub of ice cream in the freezer?" She asked herself. Only then remembering how she had eaten the whole tub in the early hours of the morning and was too lazy to throw it away. "Oh..." She shrugged and put it back in, figuring Violet would find it eventually and throw it away.

Instead of ice cream, she opted for strawberries and cream, squirting maple syrup on top as she sat down on the dining room table.

As she ate, she scrolled through her phone, giggling to herself at funny memes people had posted on Instagram.

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